Today, it's an honor to have Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules on my blog. With his raving debut, he has made his way up to my favorite authors list. His witty and dark sense of humor makes him into an author that all bookworms should read. If you missed my gushing review of Dead Rules, make sure you view it here.
Now, in the guest post below, Randy has written an amazing proposal on how it would be like if we dated with books. I mean, can we say dream date? It's quite a smart concept and I hope someone starts doing it soon! But, too late for me, being married to a non-reader sucks, but maybe I can live through one of Randy's genius ideas!
Also, make sure you join in on all the fun and answer, what novel would you choose to read with someone on a first date? One person will win a nice shiny, signed and inscribed, finished copy of Dead Rules, and the second person will win an ARC just because of your answer!

A Modest Proposal to Date with Books
By Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules.
No one in my entire life has ever asked me if I would like to go out somewhere and read a book with them. I think books would be more popular if people dated each other over a good read. I believe people would be better off, too. And there would be far fewer divorces in this country.
Because books being more popular is a good thing, of course, I’m asking you to help change our culture from one where people old enough to date only read books when they are alone and go to movies together when they want to have fun.
Imagine a book’s release on the big screen in a movie theatre. Page one, followed by page two, etc. Someone’s arm around your shoulders when you are reading the cool parts. The two of you saying Oh in unison at the big surprise in Chapter Three. Could anything be more fun?
Forget nonfiction (no one goes to documentaries), I’m talking thrilling reads of roller-coaster fiction, chase scenes, hot and heavy romance complete with cleverly written expressions of ardor and lust, and endless moments of shared hilarity.
Why a book? Because people who like the same books are made for each other. You know it’s true.
People who like different movies get married all the time. They do okay mostly. But people who like different books almost never marry successfully. And when they do, life is dismal, and children are raised derelict of the equal love of both parents, one yelling Stephanie Plum while the other shouts Sookie Stackhouse and no one really listening to anyone.
When you like the same novels as someone with whom you fall in love, you know you think alike, that you enjoy the same level of mental stimulation, that you have curiosities in common that will make fascinating conversation easy for the rest of your lives. The two of you and a new novel every week or two will conquer the world!
Confucius is cited as having said, “Wheresoever you go in love, go with all you heart. And don’t forget to bring a book.” He also said, “Better to slip between the covers of a book together on a date than to slip into confusion.”
So quit going to movies on dates. I mean it. Girls, when you see a cute guy at a party who seems to be just the right type for you, don’t slip a pair of panties into his back pocket. Write your phone number instead on a bookmark. Include the title of one of your favorite novels, then add “Your place or mine?”
And guys, the next time you crawl into the backseat of a parked car with a girl, bring a good novel with you and make sure there are batteries in the flashlight. Take turns saying the dialogue out load. You’re in for the Friday night of your life when you do. If you laugh on the same page, marry that girl. She’s the one for you.
What novel would you choose to read with someone on a first date?
Meanwhile, I’m back to working on my campaigns to have couches with foldout beds placed in public libraries throughout the land and to have machines that dispense paperback novels located in 24-hour convenience store restrooms for late night emergencies.

Dead Rules by Randy Russell
Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 384
Till death
Jana Webster and Michael Haynes were in love. They were destined to be together forever.
But Jana's destiny was fatally flawed. And now she's in Dead School, where Mars Dreamcote lurks in the back of the classroom, with his beguiling blue eyes, mysterious smile, and irresistibly warm touch.
Michael and Jana were incomplete without each other. There was no room for Mars in Jana's life—or death—story. Jana was sure Michael would rush to her side soon.
But things aren't going according to Jana's plan. So Jana decides to do whatever it takes to make her dreams come true—no matter what rules she has to break.
-Please leave a comment on this post, answering this question, along with your e-mail address:
What novel would you choose to read with someone on a first date?
contest is closed.
Oh, this is a wonderful idea! But... I'm not sure how well it would work for me & hubby. I'm a fast reader but he's not. He's a very thorough reader, so it takes him longer (plus a little dyslexia)... so I'd be done WAY before or I'd be just going crazy to read the next part...
However, we do read some Aesop's Fables together (he's a Greek student so it makes sense, lol) & comic books sometimes, which is fun & they're shorter so it all works out!
Thanks for the giveaway.
ambience.of.rain {at}
Very interesting question!!!! The first book that comes to mind is The Strange Case of Origami Yoda because its MG, so I'd like to see the person's reaction to that. It's "star wars", so they might be drawn by that. I could also see how they react to typical middle schoolers and since I teach 7th graders that would be neat for me to see!
themgowl at gmail dot com
Great post! I love this idea! And you know what? I've seen it work through a couple I know who love the same books.
Harry Potter would be a great first-date read because if they're a fan you can enjoy re-reading it together and if they've never read it you can introduce it to them.
the (dot) zealous (dot) reader (at) gmail (dot) com
I would probabaly read Fallen by Lauren Kate. It would be fun to see what the guy thinks of forbiden love and fallen angels. It would be really funny! :)
I would read Fight Club. I really like the book and it would be an easy way for him to get into my interests. Annnnd I would love to see his face/reaction during the huge twist/revealing. I think the book brings up a lot of topics that would be fun to discuss on a first date.
I think I would read Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, because they'd have to love fantasy and it is one of my all time favorite books!
stimble AT hotmail DOT com
i'd chose to read something awesome like hunger games so we could be like YES! AMAZING! WHOA! lol.
americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com
The Hunger Games...a great book about suvival that should appeal to both genders well.
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
This is tough. Definitely a question I've never thought about before. I love Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books. They could be good to read on a date. I'd have to think more on this. Haha. Hmm... Maybe City of Bones by Cassandra Clare would be good too.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Haha, this is a very fun idea. =) I have to say that reading together in companionable silence is a very awesome activity.
There are so many books to choose from, but I think I would pick 'The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks'. Any date of mine would have to appreciate its epicness, and I would love to find out if they would laugh at the same parts, and to have a big discussion about it.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
This is a brilliant idea & one of my favorite guest posts EVER.
This is so hard because there are so many good books out there, but I think I'd want to read HOLD ME CLOSER, NECROMANCER by Lish McBride or AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES by John Green. The first because it's hilarious, involves necromancy which is always awesome, and one of my favorites. There are tons of one-liners I almost cry laughing at and I'd love to see if he would think they're equally funny. The second because it's John Green. And John Green has perfected the art of the awkward teenage narrator which makes his books funny, sweet, and while intense, easy to read. Also, KATHERINES is by far the most underrated John Green book out there. It has one of my favorite scenes in any book, which happens to be a kissing scene. *wink wink*
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose, and I know this is weird but i have my reasons, Madame Bovary. I picked this because I think it would be give me some clues to who this person was. So many conversations can be had about REAL things while reading it.
Great post and really fun question! Hard to choose though. Probably Stephen Kings Carrie. :P It's always fun to see other people's reactions to horror novels. ^-^
Lovely post!
Well, I have two books that come to mind for this question (more like series), The Chronicles of Narnia (because it has a Christian base) and Harry Potter (just because). :)
The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
This sounds so cute! I think I would read Graceling. For girls and guys, and it has plenty of romance ;)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My first thought was The Alchemist, but that is a rather intense book for a first date (since it's all about finding your soul mate/purpose in life.)
I think I would go for something more fun, like a How to Read Palms kind of book.
arallison at gmail dot com
I wouldn't read with a person I want to know on a first date, but I would discuss books with that person. Find out what they like and why. That would make things very interesting.
books (Dot) things (at) yahoo (Dot) com
I would choose to read The Shining (if it has to be a novel) or I Sing the Body Electric! (if short story collections are allowed). If the book's not too weird for the guy, then I'm not too weird for him either. :-)
whatinabox at gmail dot com
I don't know that I would take any book on a first date to read... I'd want to be able to find a book that we'd both enjoy and you can't do that if you don't really know each other! :P I also don't read well with other people, so that's be bad... Mostly, I'd just want to be ABLE to talk books on the date! :)
basicallyamazingbooks [at]
I would chose To Kill a Mockingbird. B/c if the guy I was w/didn't love that book, it would be a dealbreaker!!
I would todally read him vampire academy because he could possibly by like my demitri ( that would be awesome)
My boyfriend and I have actually done this before. We don't consider it a date but we have curled up on the couch and read The Walking Dead graphic novels, we get the complete books with several of the individual comics in them. :]
But if I were to go back in time and actually bring a book along for our first date it would have been Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I love that book to death and have lost track of how many times I have reread it.
A good first date novel is The Hunger Games. I mean sure there are some gory parts but overall it has everything there is and more to be a great novel. Plus if the guy can't handle reading The Hunger Games then he is not my type of guy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmmm I guess I would have to pick shiver cause I can be Grace and you never know he could be my Sam ( I know it sounds corny but hey a girl can only dream right?)
I can't think of a single book I could choose that my boyfriend would enjoy. lol But I suppose I'd make him read Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood just to torture him a little :P
I would probably take a midsummer night's dream. Because, I really like it.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would probably read Twilight on a first date. It is my favorite series. Please enter me in contest.
My husband doesn't read at all. That is just somethIng I enjoy doing on my own. If I had to pick a book for a first date, I would go with something fun like A Match Made in High School. I never laughed so hard while reading a book.
Findjessyhere at gmail dot com
I think The Hunger Games because those books are just downright amazing, and if my date didn't like them, then they wouldn't be my date for much longer!
I would want to read Shiver, because the book is really romantic and sweet and it would set the mood :P
I would totally choose to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It's a nice, easy read and adds a bit of whimsy into everything. Plus, I don't think I could date someone who wasn't a Harry Potter fan haha!
Oh my lord. I usually try to hide my Austen fangirliness (well, I guess I don't try too hard), but I think it would have to be something by Jane Austen (anything but Mansfield Park, because that would be a downer). Can't help myself...
(Fab post, by the way!)
mbradenwf AT
What an interesting idea. It would definitely have to be some kind of mystery novel so there would be suspense and something to talk about. Something that a lot of people are talking about, like Hunger Games, would work well since that is a really thrilling read.
I would say Divergent by Veronica Roth. It's one of my favorite books ever. :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!! The book I would choose would be Vampire Academy! It's a good read for both guys and girls. Lent it to one of my guy friends and said it was a really awesome book!!
Yay! =) Sweet giveaway!
Hmm... Oh dear. This is a hard one =X I know this sounds weird, but it would probably be funny to read an erotica. It would get all of the tension away from the "first dateness" =P It might give him the wrong idea at the same time though, so I'm not sure. HARD question Eleni! =P
I'd choose Anna and the French Kiss! I love, love, loved this book!
twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com
Can I have someone's permission to repost this (I will, of course, give credit where it's due)?
Ideally, my date and I would read THE BOOK THIEF, but the length of time that would take might make a first date awkward. The alternative is a John Green or Melina Marchetta book.
(I'm using my email account to comment. I prefer not to post it publicly, if that's all right.)
P.S. I've always dreamed of my future husband proposing to me using one of those "faux books". You know, the ones that appear to be real books but are in fact empty? Perfect place to hid a ring!
I'd chose to read Flawless by Lara Chapman. Because the story is simple, but realistic. It's kind of sappy, in a way (to read that kind of books with a guy, I mean. But still!)
If you haven't read Flawless, here's a review:
Hi Madeleine,
Yeah sure you can re-post this. Just as long as you give credit, like you said. Thank you for wanting to spread the love for Randy's post! We both greatly appreciate it! :)
I would choose American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. Not only is it a great book, but if your date is a little too into, it's a good warning signal.
Very cool giveaway!
tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com
LOL! I'd have to go with Dating Dead Men... not YA, but appropriate... and a warning....
Dottie :)
What novel would you choose to read with someone on a first date?
City of Bonee. It will be a fun book to read. It will have things nkt being bored.
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Yeah, pretty sure.
Great question. I think I'd have to hand it to one of the recent books I've read lately... Divergent by Veronica Roth. I think it would have just the right mix of things gals like and things guys like to where we'd both enjoy it. Awesome book.
I think that hunger games is good. exciting and all
On my shelf, I have The Lost Hero, The Hunger Games, and 4 Harry Potter books I haven't read yet. Something light and easy.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Wow, that's a hard question! Considering my boyfriend would rather eat his X-box rather than read, I'd pick something quick and easy that he'd like. As a joke, we'd read The Cat and The Hat, but he keeps ranting on about the Percy Jackson book his teacher made him read, so we'd read that on a read date. :h:
:m: Forgot my email.
Oh goodness. Umm... maybe Divergent? It has some action scenes to keep him entertained and some romance for me! ;)
Ohhh, a novel to read on a first date...uh...I honestly have NO idea. Maybe...oh, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare cause, you know, it's funny, sexy, and jst all around fun.
If we had to read something together it would also have to be something that we both enjoy reading I think I'll go with a dystopian book probably that new book called Divergent by Veronica Roth since I know guys wouldn't appreciate reading some cheesy romance novels Lol.
The first Harry series book or any books by John Green.
I would pick the Clockwork Angel, I think it has enough amazing things going on to keep a guy interested
Great guest post! I guess I'd have to say that I'd choose Anna and the French Kiss. I'd just throw the book in his face and say I WANT THIS, GIVE THIS TO ME! LOL, kidding. Sorta. :)
I'd read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It's a quick, fun read compared to other books I like. My first date would probably get bored reading paranormal romances, lol ;)
elfdrop at gmail dot com
I would read somethig that is light, fun and sweet like The Oracle of Dating by Allison van Diepen. I know I would like it but don't actually think he will.
My husband is a much slower reader than I am, so I would most likely have to read the book TO him. I would pick something like The Hunger Games or Divergent. They're aren't particularly romance-y and they are full of action and adventure.
I think it would depend on the person and what he likes. If he likes horror then it would be Dean Koontz Your hear belongs to me (It's creepy as all get out)
If he was okay with romance then it would have to be DarkFever by Karen Marie Moning
If he liked YA I'd have to say Passion by Lauren Kate
:O I've wanted to read this for a while, but now Randy has definitely sold it because he sounds awesome, ha-ha. I love his new dating technique, lol. If I didn't already have a hubby that I a completely in love with, I'd so try it!
And on the question, which I forgot to answer, I am having mega trouble trying to figure out which book I'd like to read on a date. There are way too many amazing date-worthy books out there. I think I might have to say, SHIVER by Maggie Stiefvater, or maybe Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.
I would probably read The Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan since it can be appealing to both genders. Although it is a preteen-teen series, I find it filled with action, adventure and suspense, which will keep readers interested and therefore would be a good first date read. ♥
Hmm I would probably read....The Ghost and the Goth. I have already had a little experience with one guy. We read it in funny voices and laughed forever about it.
I would read Harry Potter and maybe act out scenes to make it more fun :) edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom Krystal L
I think it depends on the guy if we weren't really alike I would probably read Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles or if he was the-boy-next-door type I would probably read Halo by Alexandra Adornetto. Or if he was a skater dude I would read Take Me There by Susane Colasanti. If he was daring I would read City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Or if I didn't really know the guy I would choose my all time favorite which is Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers.
What a cute idea for a first date! I think Harry Potter would be pretty fun. Because of course, if the guy doesn't like the HP series, then he obviously isn't worth your time. :P
Hahah that was a fabulous post.I am very fond of the idea of book-dating. I think a good first date read would be a stephanie plum book.Funny, action packed, and with a few steamy scenes to stir our collective imaginations :D lol
thanks for the giveaway!
I think I'd want to read The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder with a guy on our first date :) It's simple, poetic, and sentimental!
GFC: Carina L. Tai
I think I would pick vampire academy my favorite which got me into reading! alot of great book picks I see! Thank you for the great giveaway!
I'd probably pick a collection of stories. Maybe some mythology to mix it up a little. :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
kayla3194 at gmail dot com
I would probably pick Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, my all time favourite book. I have read that book so many time and I never get tired of it.
Thank you for the great giveaway.
Oh wow, I'd never find the right boy in a while then, hahaha :)
but What novel would I choose to read with someone on a first date? I think I'd read Anna and the French Kiss with them or Hourglass because they'd be awesome. this is amazing!
hmm....I would pick City of Bones because it has love, fighting, and strong female characters.
Hmm.. probably the Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard ...they're soo good! Anyone can enjoy them!
Thanks! I really want to win this book :)
I would probably read something funny or a children's book. Too romantic on a first date might scare him away, and you can't read a whole (big) book in one date. So I guess I we could read "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus" or "America" by Jon Stuart.
leyser73 at yahoo dot com
"Perfect Chemistry" by Simone Elkeles.
Paper towns by john green. :)
I'd read The Giver on the first date. It's short and sweet.
misslaurenwilk at gmail dot com
:e: Interesting question.. I'd probably read Confessions of a Shopaholic - I think my date would have a good laugh!
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
For some reason Harry Potter came to my mind... no idea why.
OH Goodness!!! What a hard question. I mean, you don't want to send him running by reading some mushy gushy romance while on the first date.Then again, a little romance might give him some good ideas! I would want a book that really started conversations and kept him interested. I'd probably choose Divergent by Veronica Roth just because it is an amazing book, it has plenty of action and a side of romance, and it's so big, we'll have to go on MULTIPLE dates. HEHE!
I'd read Delirium, even though parts of it are sad. But the first thing I did after read it, was text my boyfriend! So I guess that should tell you something haha.
I'd definitely choose the Hunger Games. I've read it, but my boyfriend hasn't (which is insane). I wouldn't mind reading it again, and he should really read it for the first time.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I would say Vampire academy because it has romance (girl) & action (guy) that both of them could enjoy the read.Also,it has alot of suspence. :)
On a first date, I would choose to read Anna and the French Kiss with my someone. It's funny, romantic, and fun!
jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com
On a first date, I would choose to read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and/or Fallen by Lauren Kate because Twilight faces topics of love and humanity while Fallen explores love and sacrifice. I mean, to give up your place as an archangel in Heaven, you must really, truly love someone. :) <3
Harry Potter. Fun enjoyable books for all.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
The first book that comes to mind is "City of Thieves" by David Benioff. It's a story set during the siege of Leningrad and two young boys who set out to find some eggs. It's a shorter book, but pack quite a punch. One of my favorite books ever and there is plenty of testosterone to ensure he also enjoys the book.
I would bring us both Hunger Games...then we would have lots to talk about!!!
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