Credit goes to: Kristi from The Story Siren for 'In My Mailbox' / Inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie
For Review:
-Mercy (Mercy, #1) by Rebecca Lim
-The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
-Putting Makeup on Dead People by Jen Violi
-The Girl Who Became a Beatle by Greg Taylor

Kindle Book For Review:
-Angel Burn (Angel Trilogy, #1) by L.A. Weatherly
Special Thanks To: Disney Hyperion, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group/Feiwel & Friends and Candlewick/Netgalley.com
Books Bought:
Other Goodies:
-Vol. 2 DVD Box Set of my favorite Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers
I'd love to hear what you got, so leave a comment! :)
Winner of the Random Magic prize pack is...

Winner of the mini fairy tale dolls is...

Congrats girls! I've already spoken to you both. :)
You lucky korean drama lover! I just spazzed at seeing Hyungjoong there! Ah... I'm so happy with the way it ended, even though I kinda don't like that my baby HJ didn't get with anyone *sigh*... I died when Yi Jeong and Ga Eul finally meet up again in the end...
ANYWAY, onto a book/blog related comment. Now I have to take a peek at those books, find out what they're all about, because I really like those covers! Mercy looks really good and Putting Makeup on Dead People sounds interesting and has a lovely cover.
Great IMM, Eleni!
Asher K.
I've been meaning to get mercy simply because Rebecca Lim is an Australia author. Also our cover is so much prettier...and lighter in terms of colour.
Eleni! How's it, chica!?
You got some awesome books this week. You really got a flair for that. XD "Angel Burn" looks awesome! And I can't wait to read "Mercy". As soon as I read the summary a couple of months ago, I've wanted it. XD
Great week! Good haul. :) HAPPY READING!
The Authoress
Putting makeup on Dead people sounds interesting. Great books this week. Happy Reading!
You got some pretty books there. I received The Girl Who Became a Beatle last week and am looking forward to it. Enjoy!
Amazing books this week, Eleni!
Angel Burn is amazing, Eleni! I think you will love it! :)
Ooh bit jealous about The Near Witch!
I loved Angel (Angel Burn) so hope you enjoy that one too! Happy reading :)
I've never heard of that show! And I am dying to read The Near Witch. Enjoy all your great books!
I like the sound of Angel Burn. Hope you enjoy them all.
Wanted to let you know, you have an award waiting for you at my Blog: http://patriciasparticularity.blogspot.com/2011/01/i-am-loved.html
Putting Makeup On Dead People sounds really interesting...and certainly has an intriguing title. Great haul this week!
Here's what's in my mailbox this week!
Never heard of these books before, but I hope you enjoy all of them. Happy Reading XD
I thought Mercy was good, but different to what i thought it was going to be. Angel Burn (just Angel here in UK) was one of my top 3 books for 2010...it is soooo good!
Perty books :)
Great reads! The Girl Who Became A Beatle and Near Witch sound particularly interesting.
A great stack of books! They all look fantastic. Happy reading :)
Check out what's In My Mailbox
Dont forget to enter my 100Follower Giveway
...you have a chance of getting a book in a choice of four fatastic YA novels!
Mia @GrippedintoBooks
Oooh - Putting Makeup on Dead People - love that title!!
Our Mailbox is at BookSake.
OMG!!!! Boys over Flowers!!!! Haha. I had read the manga first and I fell in love with it and then watched the Taiwanese version then japanese version. and then Korean version. I have to say I liked the Korean version the best. I am soooo in love with the series. =D
So lucky. You got some awesome books this week. I hope you enjoy your books and BTW, I'm a new follower. I can't believe I didn't discover this blog until now =D
Check out my: IMM
Mariya @ Mystifying Paranormal Reviews
Hope you enjoy all your books this week! New follower.
Happy Reading,
Zakiya - My IMM is here
Wow, great books! Enjoy all your new reads. I think I'm going to be reviewing more and more YA books this year, I can't stay away from them.
Great books this week! Hope you enjoy reading them all!
Happy Reading,
Check out my IMM post
Putting Makeup on Dead people looks amazing
happy reading
Oh, squee!
You got the Neat Witch, you lucky girl!
Cannot wait for your review!!!
Oo I'm really intrigued by this The Girl Who Became A Beatle! I hope you enjoy your reads -- looking forward to the review!
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