Blogger Fame is a meme that features a lovely blogger once a week. I currently have a lot of entries, once it clears up, I'll add the link to join again.
Today's celebrity is . . .

Name: Anna
Location: Greece
Twitter: @celebridal
1) Anna, what inspired you to start your blog, Books to Brighten Your Mood?
A: Well, I started hanging out with Giota from Just Another Book Blog and she's actually the reason I ever got to know the wonderful blogging world! I saw her work at her blog and I really loved it and thought that as soon as I already read that much, I might actually want to share my views with other book lovers too! I really owe Giota many things!
2) What's the meaning behind your blog title?
A: When I decided to create my blog I was having a rather bad mood day. I don't remember now what exactly happened but I was a bit depressed! And reading a book always cheers me up! So, there you go, my books brighten my mood!
3) What is the best and worst part about blogging?
A: The best is all the interaction with other bloggers! I love meeting new people from different cultures as well and by blogging I definitely met some really interesting people! I also love the fact that in this way I get introduced to more and more books the whole time. I haven't thought or encountered a really bad part yet. It's too soon to get to know any downsides yet, or maybe I just don't deal with things that bother me that much, thus I can't say that anything really bothers me. If i see something I don't like, I just move on and forget about it :)
4) Which is your favorite genre to review?
A: That's a difficult one! It depends on my mood. It's not that I read such a vast variety of books, I just find myself wanting to read something different every now and then. I love YA, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or fantasy, but if i had to choose just one then that would be paranormal romance.
5) What are your top five favorite books of all time?
-The Name of the Rose by Uberto Eco
-Any and every book of Harry Potter series
-Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
-Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
-and a book by my favorite Greek author Life in Tomb.
6) Who is your favorite author? If you had the chance to meet them, what would you say?
A: Another difficult question since I have a rather long list of authors i'd want to meet! I think that I may have picked Jeaniene Frost though. And I would have many things to say! One question though I would surely ask is how did she ever came up with a character like Bones! I mean the man is on fire!
7) Do you have any quirks while you write your reviews?
A: Drinking coffee! But I don't know if it's a quirk or i'm just that addicted to coffee! I can't do anything without a cup of coffee!
8) If you could make a fictional story come alive, which would you pick and why?
A: Harry Potter! Who wouldn't want to live in such an amazing world even when Lord Voldemort was on the rise. I'd go to Hogwarts without second thought!
9) Currently, which book cover(s) are you lusting over?

A: A number of them! I'll pick some new releases to mention: Angelfire by Courtney Alisson Moulton, Unearthly by Cynthia Hand and of course This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
10) Which type five blogs do you continually visit?
11) If you had to give advice to a newcomer, what would you tell them about blogging?
A: To just write with their heart and be honest! There's no reason in always sweaten your point of view and believe me it's quite obvious when you do!
Random Questions:
- One book to bring with you on a deserted island? Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
- Favorite guilty pleasure? Lots and lots of chocolate in any type!
- Where do you usually shop for books? Book Depository (Since I'm from Greece, our bookstores here have a rather limited variety of foreign literature, making shopping from internet a necessity.)
- Judge book by cover or summary? Summary
- Favorite TV Show? Alias
- Which book hasn't lived up to your expectations? Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
- Describe yourself in three words? Sarcastic (in good and bad ways i guess!), independent and quiet (well mostly!)
- Favorite character you'd love to have babies with? Bones of Night Huntress series. I seriously love that guy!
*Where The Blog Magic Happens*

Thank you Anna for this lovely interview!
Make sure you visit her blog:
Awesome interview. I love what she says about just letting the stuff she doesn't dig go. :)
I love this feature you have. Its really interesting getting to know other bloggers and what they enjoy!
LOL I started writing a comment and now I dunno what to write since we talk practically everyday!
Thanks for the shout out :)
Thanks Eleni for the opportunity and the fantastic job you do!
@Atenra Hey,i always appreciate people who matter :)
Ooh, love the bookshelves above the monitor. Very cool!
Also, Alias is an AMAZING show.
I am definitely going to go check out your blog, Anna. =)
That was a great interview!
I am a Greek blogger too and I so agree with what Anna says about Book Depository. Much more convenient than ordering it from a Greek bookstore because they overprice and take forever to deliver! lol
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