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Saturday, April 17, 2010

IN MY MAILBOX (April 17, 2010)

Credit goes to: The Story Siren for 'In My Mailbox' / Inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie

For Review:
The Deadly Sister by Eliot Schrefer
-Knight Angels: Book of Love (Book #1) by Abra Ebner (Already reviewed it here)

Special Thanks To: Scholastic Press and Abra Ebner!

-Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (Already reviewed it here)

HUGE Thank you to Lauren Oliver for sending the ARC tour participants a finished copy, you're awesome!

Books Won From Contests:
-Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey + Cool Bookmarks

Special Thanks To: Adrienne from An Addicted Book Reader for hosting this awesome giveaway!

Books Bought:
-Spell Hunter (Faery Rebels, Book #1) by R.J. Anderson
-The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman

I'd love to hear what you got this week! :)


A Few Announcements:
  • Are you a huge fan of Julie Kagawa's, The Iron King? Check out her blog here to learn more about the Team Ash vs. Team Puck face-off!
  • Also, I've been spotlighted on Kristen's awesome blog, Bookworming in the 21st Century, go here to read the interview! :)


Kelsey said...

Great books! I really want to read Guardian of the Dead and Faery Rebels :) Enjoy!

Robby said...

Love Before I Fall more than I can even explain. :]

RaĆ­la said...

I always smile when I saw the cover of Before I Fall. It's beyond beautifulness! Can't wait for my copy to arrive! I'm also interested in GoTG, which I really hope you like, either. :-)

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

Haven't read ANY of these yet! But they all look super amazing. I am so jealous!

Blueicegal ♥ said...

man i want to read before i fall so bad!!

Cindy said...

I loved Before I Fall!

I want to read Knight Angels!!!!

Christina T said...

The Deadly Sister and Guardian of the Dead are both on my TBR list. I received Before I Fall this week too. I can't wait to read it. I will have to check out your review of Knight Angels. It looks like a really interesting story.

Thank you for mentioning the Team Ash vs. Team Puck face off. It looks like fun!

Here is what I got in my mailbox

Have a great week!

Tasha said...

Fab haul this week! I really like the sound of Knight Angels. Can't wait to read you review!
Here's my mailbox

Kathy Martin said...

You got a nice collection of books this week. Personally, I hated Before I Fall but I'm definitely in the minority. I have the Fairy Rebels one on my TBR stack somewhere. Enjoy your new books. Happy reading!

Literary Cravings said...

Those are some really great books you have!! Hope you enjoy reading them. I found your blog at books at midnight's Saturday network!!

Sarah said...

Great selection this week - I really like the look of Guardian of the Dead and Before I fall. I have Spell Hunter (called Knife here in the UK) on my TBR pile & have heard really good things about the series.

Hope you have a great week :o)

Angelique said...

Spell Hunter and Knight Angel added to my wishlist, thanks for the posts!! Love finding new books to read...

Anonymous said...

I canNOT wait to read The Deadly Sister! Love the cover of Knight Angels. Happy reading! :]

ReggieWrites said...

Awesome IMM dude! The Deadly Sister is on my wishlist =)

♫♥✿Chas @ LovLivLife Reviews✿♥♫ said...

I like your review on Knights Angel!!=)

I am a BIG Team ASH fan!!=) I can not wait for the battle coming up!=)

Enjoy your week!

Mary not so Contrary said...

SO SO SO jelous that you got Knight Angles. I want it SO BADLY!!! I need to beg my husband to get it for me!!!Spell Hunter sounds really good! Thanks for adding to my TBR pile. haha. :)

prophecygirl said...

Knight Angels sounds really good, and yay for a finished copy of BIF. Lauren rocks!

Manda said...

Great books! Faery Rebels, Knight Angels and Before I fall all look like awesome reads. Enjoy!
Here's mine

Anonymous said...

Nice selection of books. Enjoy!

Monster of Books said...

Before I fall looks awesome. I'll be intrigued to hear your thoughts on Guardians of the Dead. And Knight Angels looks so goood.

Kristen said...

I think Faery Rebels is going to be my next buy... well next buy that is not for a book signing buy. It looks so good!

A Life Bound By Books said...

Looks like you had a great week in books. Can't wait to see what you think of Knight Angels and Guardian of the Dead. Two books I'm looking forward to reading.


Corrine said...

You received some great books this week eh? I hope you enjoy them Eleni! I'll be looking forward to your reviews! Happy reading. :)

Little Miss Becky :) said...

Awesome books this week---I got Knight Angels, too...I'm about 100 pages in and am just in love with it so far!! Glad you enjoyed it, too!

Happy reading!!

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