Previously known as Monday's Question of the Day, Books For Thought is a feature where I post a book-related question up for discussion. I am open to all opinions and enjoy reading diverse comments from my lovely followers. I look forward to picking your minds!
Have a question idea? Share it here and I'll feature your blog in this post.
If you could be in an author's shoes for a day, who would you pick?
My Response: Hands down I'd pick three authors: Cassandra Clare, Simone Elkeles and Lauren Oliver. Firstly, Cassandra Clare is a writing genius. Her characters and plots always set up an addictive and dark world that leaves you on the edge of your seat.
Simone Elkeles is one of those authors whose writing continually surpasses my expectations. Plus, she always comes up with the sexiest, bad boys in YA. If you haven't read the Perfect Chemistry series, you need to asap!
Lastly, Lauren Oliver's books are lyrically beautiful. I absolutely love how real and life changing her stories are as well. Before I Fall is a great example of a thought provoking novel that stays within the readers mind for a while.
What are your bookish thoughts?
Great question, and I definitely agree with your responses. :) If I had to choose another one, I'd go with Ellen Hopkins because her writing never ceases to amaze me.
OOOHH yes, Lauren Oliver would be amazing!!!! That would be my second pick. My FIRST pick would Catherine Fisher. I just want to get into that genius mind of hers and discover how she does it!!! :)
Oh those are three great authors! Although if I was in their shoes for a day I think I'd be pretty depressed coming back to my own!
I'd also want to see what's going on in the minds of Holly Black and Sarah Rees Brennan as they are hilarious personalities and really super creative. (And if it wasn't too weird to walk in a dude's shoes, it would have to be Stephen King, though I might be insane afterward.)
I have to go with JK Rowling. It'd be interesting to see what her writing/creativity process is like...plus, I'd be able to know extra tidbits about the HP books ;)
Although I have to agree, Lauren Oliver is a close second! I love her writing style!
Great picks, Eleni! I love all those authors. I have to agree with Lea, though- JK Rowling would have to be my pick as well.
Stephanie Perkins, for sure.
Have you read ANNA? That lady can make a believer out of me, in all things love and romance.
Hmmm...well J.K. Rowling is a must. But Suzanne Collins as well! And Rick Riordan. 3 amazingly brilliant minds. I'd love to be in their shoes!
I recently read If I Stay & Where She Went by Gayle Forman pretty much back to back, so I'm still reeling from the awesomeness of those two novels. I'd be so proud to be Gayle Forman for a day and be like "yeah I wrote that!!" :)
Another series I've always been in awe of is the Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I'd love to be him for a day. His writing is genius!
After Cassandra Clare, I'd definitely pick Tamora Pierce - her worlds are so well-developed and I'd love to get a glimpse into how she comes up with her unique, strong characters!
Oo this is a great question! I would really love to be in Suzanne Collins' shoes -- I would just love to see inside the mind that came up with the genius that is The Hunger Games. I'd also love to step into JK Rowling's shoes. Her imagination is astounding, and I think it would be interesting to see what it's like to be THAT famous. I wouldn't want to live that life, but it would be fascinating for a day.
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