Blogger Fame is a meme that features a blogger once a week. I currently have a lot of entries, once it clears up, I'll add the link to join again.
Today's celebrity is . . .
Kristen from My Bookish Fairytale!
Name: Kristen Haskins
Age: 22
Location: Ontario Canada
Blog Name: My Bookish Fairy Tale
Twitter: @kristenceci
1) Kristen, what inspired you to start your blog, My Bookish Fairytale?
KH: Honestly when I first started my blog I did it just to review my books to see if anyone would read them and I also thought it would be a great way to be introduced to new authors/books that I wasn't aware of. It has turned into so much more than that!
2) What's the meaning behind your blog title?
KH: I did some switching on the title. I originally started out with a Paranormal based blog which was title My Bloody Fairy Tale and it seemed a little ridiculous after a while because even though the Paranormal based genre is my favorite I read so much more than that so I needed to change it and I wanted to keep it similar and not go to far off base so I thought My Bookish Fairy Tale was on the right track but this way I could review every genre without it being specified to only one
3) What is the best and worst part about blogging?
KH: The best part of blogging is sharing my views and opinions on what i've read. I also love how many new authors/books I've been introduced to and all the lovely book bloggers i've met has been amazing. The worst part for me Is I feel like I haven't made it personal enough. I post my reviews and any author guest posts that I've been lucky enough to host but I don't think I've added enough of me in it. I also don't blog on schedule lol. I pretty much post my reviews and that's it. I am trying to be more active with it and become more interactive with my readers.
4) Which is your favorite genre to review?
KH: My favorite genre to review is Paranormal Romance and YA.
5) What are your top five favorite books of all time?
KH: The entire JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood series! Yep the whole series lol I also really love Jacob by Jacqulyn Frank, Bram Stokers Dracula is a classic. The Giver by Lois Lowry I loved that one as a kid. There are so many great books its hard to choose :)
6) Who is your favorite author? If you had the chance to meet them, what would you say?
KH: My Favorite author is J.R Ward and If I had a chance to meet her I would ask her how she keeps all of her characters organized. If you have read her books you can tell that each character is his own nothing mingles with any of them. I want to know how she keeps them all seperate in her head. I would also ask her if she plans on ending the series any time soon.. Not that I hope she does or anything lol. I would read the Brothers forever if she kept writing them
7) Do you have any quirks while you write your reviews?
KH: I need to have a coffee lol I cannot write a good review without my coffee I dont know why and I have tried without it but I cant lol
8) Currently, which book cover(s) are you lusting over?
KH: Lover Unleashed by JR Ward and Deeper than Midnight By Lara Adrian. I cannot wait for these two titles to be released .
9) Which type five blogs do you continually visit?
-Theresa at Fade Into Fantasy
-Abagail at All Things Urban Fantasy
-Kristi at The Story Siren
-Kristin at My Bookish Ways
-Arena at The Nerds Wife
10) If you had to give advice to a newcomer, what would you tell them about blogging?
KH: Don't try to please everyone else with your content. Do what makes you feel comfortable and don't pay any attention to the amount of followers you have. When I first started that little number use to bug the crap out of me but then I realized that all of my followers are loyal and stay because they like what I have to say not just for any giveaways I may or may not have. I don't host giveaways that often and I love that people stay because they genuinley like my blog. So stay true to yourself and write what makes you comfortable.
Random Questions:
- Approximately, how many books do you own? Last Time I checked I was at around 115
- Favorite guilty pleasure? Paranormal Romance lol shhh
- Where do you purchase your books? Chapters my local bookstore and the book depository online
- Judge book by cover or summary? I used to judge by the cover :( I know how horrible but since I started blogging and have received some great review copies I have learned not to do that. The summary draws me in now
- Favorite candy? Twizzlers Pull and Peels.. I know and Starbursts I love Starburts
- What do you think about e-readers? Ohh I am not sure I am ready to convert yet lol I like having the book and holding the book and they look so pretty on my bookshelf lol. But I have been told that they are amazing so who knows.
- Describe yourself in three words? Fun, Passionate and maybe a little crazy lol
- Which character would you like to be stranded with on a deserted island? Oh Thats's easy lol Zsadist from JR's BDB series. I know can you tell Im obsessed with BDB? lol
Thank you Kristen for this great interview!
Make sure you visit her blog:
Yay! Great interview! Love that girl and if you haven't checked out her blog yet, you really should!
Aww Theresa!! You are so sweet girl! Love ya too hun! Thank you so much Eleni for hosting me! This was really fun!
:) These are always so interesting to read.
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