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Question: Which book has inspired you to be a better person?

Answer: Hands down, Lauren Oliver's debut Before I Fall inspired me to be a better individual. It taught me to carefully pay attention to my words and actions towards others. It gave me a better understanding that our judgments and selfish needs can sometimes blind us from actually seeing a person for who they are. For a quick second, you could negatively touch someone for the rest of their lives without even knowing it.
It truly makes me feel emotional thinking about all the bullying going on these days. I wish people would read Lauren's book so they could have an eye opening experience. I'm tired of seeing selfish people that sting with their words. I see the good in people but I also see the bad attitudes that lurk in some individuals. It's an unfortunate reality that exists everywhere, sadly even in the blogging community.
Overall, if you haven't read Before I Fall yet, I hope you give it a try. The underlying truth of hurting someone haunts these pages from start to finish. So, thank you Ms. Oliver for touching my life with your writing. You are a bright light in the YA community and I applaud you.
I'd love to know your thoughts, so leave me a comment :) Have a question idea? E-mail me at lafemmereaders@yahoo.com and I'll give you credit!
O wow. Sounds like I should read this.
Sounds a lot like 13 reasons Why and Hold Still. One book that really touched me and made me think was The Theology of the Body for Teens. It's a text book based on the enciclical that John Paul II wrote. It taught me that a lot of the attitudes our society has about love are actually very selish and lead, not the good of others--which is what love is, but to the good of self at the expense of others. Real love never leads to pain. Real love is of the Father; patient, kind, unselfish, etc. It's an awesome book, and I refference it a lot.
I can't believe I still haven't read this. It's definitely on my reading list for 2011!
I'd have to agree with Before I Fall. I loved that book and the message it holds, though it was difficult for me to read at times because I had trouble tolerating Sam as a character in the beginning. Which I suppose was the point, she wouldn't have needed to change if she wasn't a bad person to begin with. I'm quite excited to read Delirium, just for the simple fact that Oliver delivered on such a level with her debut.
I can see how this book would cause one to be reflective and thinking about others...Great choice!!
What a great question! As soon as I read it though I went completely blank. After some thought I guess I would say White Oleander, though a strange choice, really moved me to breaking free from a cycle of hate I was on. Seeing how selfish Astrid's mother was helped me see the same traits in my own mother and finally be able to figure out why I hated her so much. It both demonized and humanized her, making me able to get outside the picture far enough to see my own issues with my mom more clearly. It inspired me to be a better mother to my own children and to appreciate the healthy relationships I had with other women (ie. my aunts, grandmothers) in my life.
It's just a phenomenal book in general but it helped me get out from under an unhealthy grudge I was carrying.
Terrific topic Eleni!
Awww Eleni, I love that it touched you and made you emotional. I have witnessed a lot of bullying in my high school years, so my instant reaction to it is very unforgiving. I can't help but feel angry when I think about, there is so much going on that we will never be aware of but bullying is something can we can all tackle together. Thanks for sharing hun.
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This book sends a powerful message - we must be careful of our own actions. We might think something's no big deal yet it could make a huge impact to others.
Before I Fall had touched me as well. I did a review on YouTube last year and I was so going to tear. :a:
The Cinderella Society - be a Cindy!
There are so many books that affected me m first must be the Horse Whisperer and What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson.
When I saw this on your fb page I immediately thought Before I Fall, and then I came to your page and thats what you picked. Weird.. but I def. agree with everything you say!
I've been planning to read this one since I fell in love with Delirium so long ago. Seems like now I definitely should. I love books that impact people in huge ways, otherwise what would be the whole point of reading really?
Asher K.
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