Everyone, please welcome the hilariously talented A.M. Robinson, author of Vampire Crush. Thank you A.M. for taking the time out to answer my questions. I absolutely loved this debut and recommend it to those who look for a good laugh in books. If you missed my review, check it out here. In addition, make sure you show the author some love by commenting on this post!

A. M. Robinson grew up in Indiana, but now lives in New York City, where she works in the publishing industry. She graduated from Indiana University with a double major in English and Chinese, but she is obviously only using the first one. Vampire Crush is her first book.

Vampire Crush by A.M. Robinson
Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 416
Summary: First, six mysteriously pale new students show up at Sophie McGee’s high school. Then, Sophie’s childhood nemesis James reappears, still displaying a knack for making Sophie’s blood boil. When Sophie finds out that James has a connection to the new students, she decides to investigate...never expecting her life will quickly begin to resemble a campy horror movie, complete with budding crushes and bloodthirsty villains. Perfect for fans of theVampire Kisses and Vladmir Tod series, A. M. Robinson’s debut novel sparkles with action, intrigue, irresistible wit, and sizzling romance.
Author Interview:
1) Thank you A.M. for gracing my blog with your presence. I love vampire novels so I am thrilled to add your novel to my collection. I am eager to know, what inspired you to write your YA debut, Vampire Crush?
A.M.: Thanks for having me! I’ve been a big fan of YA vampire lit ever since I was a teenager inhaling every Christopher Pike or L. J. Smith novel I could get my hands on. But even then, at times I wondered, “Why so serious, teen vampire romance? Crack a joke sometimes!” It seems like having vampires in high school is a recipe for hilarity, and I wanted to write something that captured the humor as well as all the delicious angstier stuff we know and love.
2) Vampires in YA has become a growing phenomenon that shows no sign of slowing down. What did you do as an author to differentiate your plot and characters from the typical vampire stereotype?
A.M.: Believe it or not, when I started writing Vampire Crush, it was really with zombies in mind. And by that I don’t mean that I was writing Zombie Crush (although now that I see how awesome that title is, I might have to). I’m a big fan of the movie Shaun of the Dead, which does a great job mixing all the zombie-movie clichés that are out there into something fresh and unique. With Vampire Crush, I tried to take all the traditions of the great teen vampire romances and twist them up into something new but familiar in all the best ways. For example, the book begins with a mysterious new boy arriving at Sophie’s school. . . . But I think you’ll be surprised to find out what role he actually plays. There are also nods to all of the goodies, from Buffy to the crime-fighting vamps of urban lit to Twilight. Also there’s a Vampire Luau. I’m not going to say more than that.
3) Throughout Vampire Crush, who was your favorite character creation?
A.M.: I have a Victorian vampire named Violet who sort of stole the show while I was writing. She becomes obsessed with the quizzes in teen magazines as she tries to navigate her own tricky love life. But if you want to talk favorite favorite character, that would have to be Sophie. She’s not afraid to be goofy or put herself out there, and while she can be a tad overzealous in pursuit of her Ultimate Goal of Being Editor of Her School Newspapers, she ultimately cares a lot about the people who are her friends. I wish that I had had half of her confidence growing up when it came to speaking my mind around Boys I Liked (and Boys I Didn’t).
4) If you had to describe your book in one word, what would it be and why?
A.M.: Cute-a-licious! Okay, I made that up, but “cute” seemed a little too plain. I would also add “cute-a-mundo” and “cutepants.” I smiled the whole time I was writing this book, and I’m hoping its readers do the same.
5) If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Vampire Crush?
A.M.: You know, I have been staring at this question for at least five minutes, and more and more I’m thinking the answer is no. It gets to a point where things just feel right.
6) Besides this book, do you have any other projects you're currently working on?
A.M.: I always have a writing project in the works; my problem tends to be picking one to focus on and going from there. I’ve been batting around a couple of ideas that have to do with ghosts. Like . . . a girl who traps ghosts with her uncle in early 20th-centry New York. Or a girl whose ex-boyfriend comes back as a ghost and needs her to help him solve all of his unfinished business with his OTHER ex-girlfriends.
7) Last but not least, do you have anything specific that you want to say to your future readers?
A.M.: Just that I hope you enjoy it!
Hi :)
Thank you for the interview.
I loved the humor in A.M.'s responses.
(They were informative too)
A Vampire Luau sounds like a fun event!
I have VAMPIRE CRUSH on my ToBeRead list.
All the best,
Ha, awesome interview! I have to admit I hadn't heard of Vampire Crush before reading this post but I'll definitely check it out now :) x
Great interview. I'm really looking forward to reading Vampire Crush :)
Ahh I so want to read this. This was a awesome interview!! I think it's cool that their a Victorian Character who likes Teen Magazine Quizzes.
Vampire Crush is on my TBR list - my friend Kaitlyn says I gotta read it.
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