Blogger Fame is a meme that features a lovely blogger once a week. I currently have a lot of entries, once it clears up, I'll add the link to join again.
Today's celebrity is . . .

Name: Allison
Age: 24
Location: Norman, OK
Blog Name: The Allure of Books
Twitter: @inconceivably
1) Allison, what inspired you to start your blog, The Allure of Books?
A: I've been an active member of Goodreads for a long time, but I wanted a better outlet to post reviews and really connect with people. None of my friends have the same relationship with books that I do, so I depend on my fellow bloggers!
2) Is there a meaning behind your blog title, The Allure of Books?
A: "Alluring" is one of my favorite adjectives (if anyone can really claim to have a favorite adjective without sounding incredibly nerdy). When I was brainstorming blog ideas, I couldn't get the word out of my head so I came up with a way to make it work!
3) What is the best and worst part about blogging?
A: The worst part is how much time it takes - and when you're going through a particularly busy time, you either have to squeeze dedicated blogging time in or things don't get done. Sometimes that can be stressful! The best part is connecting with other bloggers and being able to talk books.
4) Which is your favorite genre to review?
A: I think fantasy is the easiest genre to review, because there is usually a particularly interesting or original aspect of the book to focus on without sounding generic.
5) What are your top five favorite books of all time?
1. The Harry Potter series - stands head and shoulders above the rest. I will never connect to another book the way I have with those.
2. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - first of an epic fantasy trilogy. Rothfuss is an incredibly amazing lyrical writer, and no matter what the characters in his story are doing, he can make you really feel them.
3. Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery - she stole my heart when I was a little kid, and I've never looked back. This was my first book love, and Anne and Gilbert remain two of my absolute favorite book characters.
4. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson - a 2010 YA debut, and one of the most well-written books I've ever read. The characters and emotions are all so present in the story, it really is an incredible book.
5. Don't Tell by Karen Rose - a romantic suspense novel. I don't think I've ever been on a more intense emotional roller coaster - this book is incredible. She not only gives you two main characters that you will come to know like family, but she puts you in the mind of a serial killer in the way no other author could ever pull off.
6) Who is your favorite author? If you had the chance to meet them, what would you say?
A: My favorite author is Jennifer Donnelly...she is an incredible writer, and every single one of her books is amazing. I don't know exactly what I'd say, but I have full confidence I'd be able to completely embarrass myself.
7) Do you have any quirks while you write your reviews?
A: Not really, I get distracted pretty easily so I usually have to turn everything else off and focus.
8) If you could make a fictional story come alive, which would you pick and why?
A: Send me into the future with J.D. Robb's In Death series! I love the technology she comes up with in those books. I could definitely get used to it.
9) Which 5 blogs do you continually revisit?
1) ForeverYA
10) If you had to give advice to a newcomer, what would you tell them about blogging?
A: Make sure you're really ready to dedicate a lot of time and energy into it, because while it is always fun, it is a lot of work! If you expect or think you're entitled to special treatment or free books from anyone, you're wrong. This is about interacting with people and sharing your love of reading, not about getting perks!
Random Questions:
- Which 2011 book release are you anticipating? The new Sarah Dessen! I can't wait.
- Favorite guilty pleasure? Frosting on graham crackers and cheesy historical romance novels.
- Favorite movie? BBC's adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's North & South, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- Favorite song at the moment? Probably Hallelujah by Paramore.
- Describe yourself in three words? Nerdy, loud, and perpetually-sleepy!
- Favorite character you would have babies with? Roark from the In Death series...seriously. You guys need to pick those up if you haven't read them. Prepare to drool.
Thank you Allison for this great interview. :)
Make sure you visit her blog HERE!
Great meme to feature bloggers! I haven't read the In Death books, but are now on my TBR list.
Cute meme! Happy to hear so many want to participate! :)
I love your questions for bloggers! Especially the last one LOL I'm like Allison though, everything has to be turned off when I'm reading.
Allison is so awesome! All those books she's pushing are fabulous.
Great interview :-)
I love reading the answers to these questions AND finding new blogs I might've not known about. and I can relate to Allison's comments about the time demands. Whew! I hear you Allison! :)
Great job on this feature Eleni!
Great interview and great answers. I am glad to be counted among the blogs you frequently visit.
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