Hello my lovely followers! Back in August, I hosted a re-create cover contest for Brenda's novel, The Emerald Talisman. Since the participation was great, Brenda and the lovely girls of The Teen Book Scene are giving me a chance to host a contest for the sequel, The Sapphire Talisman! I absolutely love this series and hope you all support Brenda by re-creating her cover.
You don't have to be a professional at Photoshop to enter. Everyone's hard work will be recognized and appreciated. You all know how much I love your comments, so I'd love to admire your efforts as well. :)
Please look below for details on all the prizes and contest details...
:: Prizes ::
First place cover picked by Brenda Pandos will win:
- Finished copy of The Sapphire Talisman
- A Sapphire Talisman necklace
- A shout-out in Brenda's acknowledgment's section in the third installment
Second place runner up will win:
- Finished copy of The Sapphire Talisman (donated by Kim from The Book Butterfly -- thank you hun!)
- Bookmark and a shout-out in the acknowledgments section in the third installment
- A 50% discount on The Sapphire Talisman if wanted
Third place runner up will win:
- Bookmark and a shout-out in the acknowledgments section in the third installment
- A 50% discount on The Sapphire Talisman if wanted
:: Cover Details ::
-Participants will re-create The Sapphire Talisman cover. The character appearances and summary are there for inspiration. You don't have to re-create a full jacket copy, unless you want to. All we ask for is the main cover page, I added the whole look for possible ideas.

Summary: With the local vampire coven decimated, Julia and Nicholas try to begin a somewhat normal life together. Bound by secrecy from a shape shifter determined to see Julia’s world-saving prediction come to fruition, Julia isn’t allowed to tell Nicholas the leader survived, ransacking her happiness with guilt. When Alora returns, bent on revenge, the reunion forces Nicholas and Julia to choose what they are willing to live and die for.
Character Appearances:
Julia (the main protagonist) -- dishwater blonde, straight past her shoulders, hazel eyes.
Nicholas (her boyfriend, vampire slayer) -- green eyes, brown hair (long and tossled on the top) and yummy.
Alora (a revengeful vampire) -- red hair, evil (the back cover embodies her look and attitude.)
:: Contest Details ::
-Brenda will be choosing the best cover entry.
-Contest is open to U.S. + Canada residents only.
-Anyone can join in, you don't need a blog to enter.
-All cover entries MUST be linked below or else you haven't entered properly.
(Press 'Click here to enter' to add your link to Linky Tools.)
-The deadline to enter your cover link will be on December 13, 2010.

If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at lafemmereaders@yahoo.com. I look forward to seeing all your entries, just remember to link it below, thank you! :)
Thanks Eleni! Can't wait to see the entries. Good luck everyone.
Hugs, Brenda
so cool. Thanks so much. It was So FUN!
Thanks so much for hosting this! I had a blast making my own cover. :)
Thanks so much for hosting this contest - I had a blast with my entry! ~JL
Oh this was a lot of fun. Since this is my first time making a cover, I'm partial to my own but I must admit that I really like Electrifying Reviews and JL's Cover.
This is so exciting! Thanks so much, Eleni, I already linked my entry. Everyone's covers are fabulous! =D
Great contest everyone! All the entries were amazing!
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Thank you for leaving a comment, sending you kisses and hugs!! Oops, I am sorry if I slobbered on you. ;)