Blogger Fame is a meme that features a lovely blogger once a week. I currently have a lot of entries, once it clears up, I'll add the link to join again.
Today's celebrity is . . .

Lexie from Poisoned Rationality!
Name: Lexie
Age: 26
Location: New Jersey
Blog Name: Poisoned Rationality
Twitter: @PRationality
1) Lexie, what inspired you to start your blog, Poisoned Rationality?
L: I wanted a place where I could talk about books, and book related things, without my personal journal friends complaining about how all I talked about was books. Plus it was nice to have a reason to read as much as I wanted with a valid excuse.
2) Is there a meaning behind your blog title, Poisoned Rationality?
L: In 9th grade my English Honors teacher and I were in a Cold War of Wills. She REALLY didn't like me at all, I thought she couldn't teacher worth a mudpie. At one point she remarked that my logic was flawed because my rationale was poisoned. That's a bit of a mouthful so I worked it down to 'Poisoned Rationality'.
3) What is the best and worst part about blogging?
L: Best would be learning about authors or books I wouldn't have heard about otherwise. While I read extensively before I began blogging, I read extensively in the genres I preferred (fantasy and historical romance). I barely ventured into young adult, paranormal or urban fantasy. Which, on the one hand may have been good because I might have a room instead of a labyrinth of book piles right now.
Worst would have to be how high school it feels like. I know they say that life is just one endless round of high school drama, but blogging seems to epitomize all the worse parts of it. Some I think is because over the internet its hard to gauge your audience or their reactions, and some because people just like to start trouble for the sake of trouble.
4) Which is your favorite genre to review?
L: To review...fantasy. Its what I've read most of my life and what I read the most outside of my 'blogging' obligations. Its a genre I'm comfortable with saying something like 'Okay we've seen this two dozen times before, let's be different guys'.
5) What are your top five favorite books of all time?
--The Girl With Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts, I think its a great book for anyone who has ever felt like they are different and unable to fit in and needed the world to be bigger than their neighborhood
--Andra by Louise Lawrence, its a darker science fiction novel that despite being about teens is NOT meant for young adults
--Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson, epic fantasy that's pretty self-contained but still awe-inspiring off the charts wonderful
--Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen, I think its a wonderful amalgamation of how a story can be warped through folklore, legend, song and societal changes
--Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, the only case in which Poirot knows the truth, but realizes that sometimes justice is not flexible or understanding
6) Who is your favorite author? If you had the chance to meet them, what would you say?
L: Brandon Sanderson and Maria V. Snyder are two of my favorites--I don't really have an TRUE favorite. I've met them both. And managed to hold actual conversations! When I met Sanderson I managed to not fangirl all over him. I didn't do so well when I met Snyder, my boyfriend had to prod me to talk to her and release my death grip on my books.
7) Do you have any quirks while you write your reviews?
L: No I pretty focus on the review until I can't figure something out then I take a break. Sometimes I'll eat Twizzlers or have an anime on in the background, but not that often. I get distracted too easily.
8) If you could make a fictional story come alive, which would you pick and why?
L: You know I sat here a good 15 minutes mulling this question over. I discarded something like a dozen different novels and stories because I realized all the ones I want to live within, end really badly. I think Valdemar, by Mercedes Lackey (the series that is), is one I'd love to bring to life. Not that its easier than any of the others, or something catches my fancy in it more than another world, but Lackey's emphasis on female figures of power certainly play a good role in it.
9) Currently, which book cover are you lusting over?
L: Children of Scarabaeus (I love Chris McGrath), Magic Slays (the covers only get better) and The Fallen Blade (it just looks awesome)

10) Which type five blogs do you continually visit?
1) Dear Author (they more eloquently state my problems with books)
2) ScifiGuy (cause he has a lot of authors I like)
3) Geeks of Doom (because I'm a geek)
4) The Nerdist (Chris Hardwick for the win every time)
5) Forever Young Adult (if I wanted to grow up I wouldn't read).
11) If you had to give advice to a newcomer, what would you tell them about blogging?
L: Be sincere. You can be fake for a bit, but honestly its hard to get something past every single one of us. Just write what you really feel, be as constructive as possible (or in the very least don't attack an author or blogger on a personal private level) and find something works well for you. Whether it be a feature or a meme or a review format.
Random Questions:
- What is your favorite animal? White Tiger
- Favorite guilty pleasure? Asian Dramas and corn flakes
- Supernatural or contemporary? Supernatural
- Favorite movie? The Princess Bride
- Reading while sitting or laying down? Reclining in a video game lounger
- Favorite song at the moment? Nanne Grönvall - Håll om Mig (lyrics: english translation)
- Describe yourself in three words? Petite, sarcastic, bookworm
- Favorite character you would marry? The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (aka David Tennant)
*Where The Blog Magic Happens*

"As far as my workspace goes: As you can see a cluttered mess! Ordinarily the laptop is on my lap and I'm leaning against the desk, sitting backwards in my chair. Its more comfortable for me!"
Thank you Lexie for this awesome interview. :)
Make sure you visit her blog HERE!
Check out her blog and it was great! I love to read fantasy aside from YA.
I'm going to check out your blog too!
The story behind the name is great. Amazing how a teacher can both scar and motivate. For THEIR information, motivating other ways is also a good idea... ;)
Also, if you like sci-fi dystopian, I'm going to have fellow writer Julia Karr on my YA blog this Thursday talking about her debut, XVI! Bet it's right up your alley! Please stop by.
Gae Polisner
The Pull of Gravity, FSG, May 2011
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