Credit goes to: The Story Siren for 'In My Mailbox' / Inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie
-Wired (Skinned, Book #3) by Robin Wasserman
-Freefall by Mindi Scott
-Solid (Book #1) by Shelley Workinger
-Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves
-Haven by Kristi Cook
-Empty by Suzanne Weyn
-Razorland by Ann Aguirre
-Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney
-The Ivy by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur
Special Thanks To: Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse, Shelley Workinger, Scholastic Press, Ann Aguirre, Hachette/Poppy and HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books
Book Won From Contest:
-Personal Demons (Book #1) + Bookmarks by Lisa Desrochers
Special Thanks To: Lisa Desrochers!
Books Bought:
I'd love to hear what you got this week! :)

I'm curious, what does everyone remember about 9/11?
-Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag is hosting two YA events she needs help with:

1) I'm a freelance publicist working with Catherine Ryan Hyde on her latest YA release, Jumpstart the World, which comes out Oct. 12. As it deals with transgender themes, we are hosting a week of auctions on my blog: All the money raised will be donated to GLSEN: an LGBT charity. This will be the week of Oct. 11 (the release week and Oct. 11 is National Coming Out Day). I have someone working on a button so you can post that once it's available as well....
Obviously we would like to spread the word about this upcoming event and doing so, I wanted to get the ball rolling with some September giveaways called Pay it Forward. Catherine is the author of the well-known book that became the movie Pay it Forward. The idea is to have people hold a giveaway on their blog letting people know about Jumpstart the World and the upcoming auctions for GLSEN. The giveaway should only last a week or so at the most, because we want the winner (if they have a blog) to then host a giveaway of their own...hence Pay it Forward. People can host giveaways regardless if they win though and Pay it Forward to allow others to ENTER a giveaway. This would also need to be mentioned so people can continue with this. All giveaways should end by Oct. 9 to get ready for the week of auctions, which will include some fun Jumpstart the World book giveaways.
Go here for further details!
2) Myself and a fellow blogger started Leave a Mark auctions a couple years ago. We've raised over 1,000 dollars for First Book and are back supporting them. You can find details and the first auction: A tentative schedule of what's to come should be up soon. Most books will be YA, but some are Adult. We'd love for more people to spread the word as it's a great cause and it's a one of a kind book that people would LOVE to own. Read more on the site.
Go here to get contact info for Lauren!
I've been hearing so many great things about Personal Demons! I can't wait to see what you think!
Some good-looking books you have IYM :)
About 9/11: even though I'm not American, and I've never been to America, this day will NEVER be forgotten. I remember I spent that day at the beach and when we got back and turned on the TV, it was all over the news. I remember being horrified at the scene :( It was really cruel and merciless. Even for terrorists, they have outdone themselves. Ugh.
Everyone everywhere has been affected, some way or the other, by what happened, especially us, Muslims. I've written a post about that.
I have to say: I feel really sorry for what happened. Those families will never forgot their lost ones, and I'll never forget how cruelly they were lost.
Amazing books! Slice of Cherry! That's so cool, and Wired looks wonderful as well. Hope you enjoy them all :)
Ooooh, Empty!!! I want to read that one. I look forward to your review.
Ivy was a good read. Hope you enjoy it :)
9/11 - I didn't hear about what was going on until I got into work. When I first heard what had happened, I didn't understand what was going on. That was probably the first time I realized what "terrorism" is. My heart goes out to all who were lost and to their loved ones.
You got Empty, Razorland, Slice of Cherry AND Personal Demons. You're lucky I love you or I would hate you! ;) =P
9/11- I was in eighth grade, my social studies class. We had to watch a video and no one knew why, it was like the second day of class. No one told us and I didn't even find out until I got home. But I still remember exactly where I was when the tragedy occured.
PS your link to leaveamarkauctions doesn't work. :)
<3 you!
Great books this week. I too got The Ivy for review. Can't wait to see what you thought about Slice of Cherry!
I also remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I was only in third grade and my teachers all of a sudden had this stricken look on their faces speaking in hushed tones. Then they turned on the news. It was awful but being as young as I was I hardly understood any of it. Until I was a little older I realized what was lost and what is going on because of this.
I can't imagine what 9/11 was like living that close. I remember I was at work when a late co-worker came in and announced what was happening. We all went downstairs and watched the news, and I saw the second plane hit the tower on live TV. The only thing remotely close to that moment was when I saw the Challenger explode on live TV. Moments I will never forget...
Even though I live thousands of miles away from NYC, I still can't help but be emotional when I think of this day.I specifically remember watching the attacks on the television and my dad saying "Oh my God, I worked there..." .He lived and worked in NY for about 10 years and even though he has not been there since he left, I could not help but feel amazed at how much he was thrown by it.I will definitely not forget what happened in NYC that day,9 years ago.My heart goes out to all the families who lost their loved ones.
Ooh, GREAT books this week! Read great things about Personal Demons. And looking forward to know what you think of Solid. Seems like an interesting read.
Great haul this week! I'm wanting to read a bunch of those!
I just read Empty this week.
Amazing books this week. :)
9/11 - I was in the first grade and I remember only two things very, very clearly. One, it was a beautiful, sunny, cloudless fall day. Two, me and my dad sitting at an intersection and he was slightly panicked because my mom was downtown. We live in Charlotte and Charlotte has the second biggest banking facilities in the country. My dad knew the country was under attack and he thought they might try for Charlotte. I also remember while sitting at that intersection, asking what the Twin Towers were. I didn't even know.
God bless America.
Wow, I want to read so many of these books and especially Personal Demons!! I can't wait to read your reviews! :)
omg, you got slice of cherry! i am deadly jealous oh and little bit envious of the ivy too but mostly slice of cherry lol.
Ohh so jealous. You have so many awesome books in your IMM. I'm looking forward to reading Empty and Haven.
Would love to know what you think of these.
Happy Reading
I'm dying to read Personal Demons. Happy Reading!
Great mailbox! I'm so jealous that you have Haven and Freefall. And, Personal Demons, too. Enjoy!
thanks for posting about the events!! i really do appreciate it. And nice week you had...I really want to read Freefall. :)
As for 9/11, I was actually in a History class. Sixth grade. I was only 11. I really can't believe that it's almost 10 years now.
So many awesome book! I really hope that you enjoy reading them!!
Come see what I got In My Mailbox!
I got the Ivy too!
So jealous of Slice of Cherry, although I did just request that from my S&S contact, so I have my fingers crossed on getting it. :-)
Awesome haul, Eleni. :-)
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