Current Giveaways:

None right now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2011 YA Releases Giveaway!

Well, for those of you who don't know already, I LOVE blogging and I appreciate each and every one of my followers. Seriously, without you guys my blog just wouldn't be the same! The daily comments always brighten up my day. I am ecstatic to be able to share my love for books with all of you. So as my thank you I'm having a contest to celebrate these amazing 2011 YA releases. Check out the prizes below and hope you enjoy!

(Book titles are linked to summaries)


::Contest Rules::

  • There will be 6 Winners who will be picked by and first place gets first grab, second place chooses next and on down the line.

  • The contest will run through September 2, 2010 at which point all prizes will be pre-ordered for you on The Book Depository. These are not ARC's but finished, pre-ordered copies. And yes, this is INTERNATIONAL. As long as The Book Depository delivers to your country than you'll be able to enter. Here is the list of countries they deliver to.
(Please enter through form and not comments, thanks!)


Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

I love how much you love blogging. Seriously, you're awesome.

Orchid said...

I'm totally hoping I win! I just finished City of Glass and am completely dying to read City of Fallen Angels. Thanks for the awesome contest. ^_^

brandileigh2003 said...


Alessandra said...

Wow, what a giveaway! Thanks for hosting :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Aemilia Grace said...

For someone who doesn't like pink, I actually like the design of your blog. This is the first for me, when it comes to the color pink. xD

Btw, the books look really interesting. I can't wait for 2011. :)

Kris (Voracious YAppetite) said...

Drool-worthy contest as always, E! Thank you!!

Bere said...

Wow Eleni! You are seriously great! Thanks so much for the contest, I will keeping my fingers crossed hehe. =)

Fi-chan said...

wow this is awesome! :D thank youuuuu Eleni! :D

*crosses fingers*

sRy_ said...

wow, thanks for make it international! =)

Manda said...

You've certainly chosen some of the best books there!

Karen Mahoney said...

Wow, I just noticed you're giving away a copy of The Iron Witch - that's very cool! So... you'll pre-order all those books for winners (the 2011 releases, I mean)? That's generous of you. I love giving away books, too, so I can understand the desire to do it. ;)


Smash Attack Ash said...

Thanks for this fantastic giveaway! I also appreciate my followers very much. Blogging is GREAT! :)

Kate said...

Oh wow! I love you! And your giveaways! You're a superb blogger :)

Anne R. said...

Awesome giveaway! Too bad Book Depository doesn't ship to my country.... DX

Christa said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for your generosity! : )

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, amazing giveaway!!!

Honey said...

Great contest! Thank you so much :D

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

This is a difficult choice - all these books look terrific!

A Story Untold said...

Eleni, you're awesome!!!!!!Thank you :)

Melissa said...

If you love blogging as much as you say you do, then we have a lot in common. :) It's something that keeps me happy and passionate. Everyone needs something like that.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway. :)

Unknown said...

Amazing giveaway! I hope I win!!!

Ladytink_534 said...

Oh how cool! I want all of these so bad! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Elizabeth Briggs said...

Wow this is an amazing contest!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Totally stellar contest! :)

Ky said...

Thanks for the amazing contest Eleni! You are way too generous. XD I'm excited for all of these titles! Thanks so much!

Eternal Night said...

Thanxs for hosting the awesome giveaway.

lulilut said...

Great choices - Thanks for the great giveaway.

Sara said...

AWESOME!! Thanks a lot :)

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Holy awesomeness!! Thanks!

Candace said...

Thanks so much! So many books I WANT!

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

What a wonderful contest and thank you ever so much for making it international! I just love The Book Depository :D

Giada M. said...

These are awesome books! Thank you for this great contest! :)

Jessy said...

So many great titles. Thanks for the giveaway!

misskallie2000 said...

Oh My Gosh, What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

I would love to read all of them.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Cherry said...

Yikes! Thank you for this wonderful contest!!

doreen lamoureux said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoy blogging so much and I think I can speak for all of your followers when I say we really appreciate you too! :)

Vidisha said...

Great Giveaway!!

Elise said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

latishajean said...

wow what a great giveaway thank you so much for the chance :)

EVA SB said...


Rheanna said...

Truly AMAZING Eleni. Thank you so much for all the great giveaways you have! But more than that I really enjoy hearing about all the new books coming out and your blog makes it possible! So thanks again!

Noemí said...

Great giveaway, specialy the city of fallen angel book!!!

Meredith said...

I'd love to win City of Fallen Angels! I can't wait for Clare's new books!

Kynhaa said...

Fantastic giveaway!"!! I can't wait for Delirium! *O*

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Yet another amazing event! Thank you!

Chantel said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Elvenpath said...

all the books seem amazing, I'd hope win one of the books, thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...


Mary not so Contrary said...

First: Thanks for the cool giveaway!

Second: I wish they would have kept the ARC cover for Delirium. It was awesome!!

Third: I can't wait to get my hands on City of Fallen Angels! Its killing me. I finished COG last year!! I need more Clary and Jace....

Fourth: Your awesome!!!

Holly said...


littlelatina said...

I'd love to read all of these!

Amanda Makepeace said...

Wow! Awesome giveaway and so many great reads coming in 2011. Thank you!

Jessica said...

You're the best!!! Thanks so much :)

Mistress of the Library said...

You're too awesome!!! *hugs*

Patricia's Particularity said...

This is the BEST! Thank you so much for being such an amazing Blog host!

Anonymous said...

I sooooo want Delirium!!!! Thanks for the opportunity :)

ParaJunkee said...

Great contest!

angie said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Jennifer said...

Great books!

zara said...

OMG, awsome contest dying to read CoFA and delirium.

zara said...

OMG, awsome contest dying to read CoFA and delirium.

Elegance said...

Yay! Thanks for making it international! :)

Bianca said...

thank you so much!

fs1 said...

Great choices here :) thank u :)

Bia said...

It's my first time here , and I loved everything here !
I think that is a awesome contest , and I'd love to read all of these books! :)

RedButterfly said...

WOW Wonderful Giveaway XD Happy that its international ^_~ Wish everyone good luck ^_^

Dani said...

Thank you! :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. I would love to win any of these books.

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic giveaway, thanks so much! :D

Pink Panther said...

Wow! Thanks!

Pink Panther said...

Wow! Thanks!

pepsivanilla said...

Great book selection :) Thank you for the contest!

Reena Jacobs said...

Thanks for setting us up for 2011!

Kynhaa said...

WOOOWW U're awesome. Thanks for the contest.

Flo said...

Giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot and keep enjoying your blog it rocks!!

Maitha said...

i will be very happy if i won this giveaway will be the first time in my life to win anybook :) please enter me my emai is

Fantastic Book Review said...

Great Contest Eleni! Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I hope I didn't enter twice if I did I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I don't remember entering this one before. =)

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