Current Giveaways:

None right now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Me and my affiliate Kari from
A Good Addiction have teamed up to thank our fantastic followers with a contest we've all yearned for, begged for and dreamed about. The highly anticipated YA releases are closer than you think...

These are the prizes:

(Titles are linked to book summaries)

  • You MUST be a follower for BOTH my blog and also Kari's blog - A Good Addiction. So make sure you press the follow button located on our sidebars that look like this:
  • There will be 6 Winners who will be picked by and first place gets first grab, second place chooses next and on down the line.
  • This is a joint contest and not individual - please don't try entering in the comment field on both our websites as it is linked to the same form.

  • The contest will run through Thursday, April 15 at midnight EST time, at which point all prizes will be ordered or pre-ordered for you from The Book Depository. These are not ARC's but finished, released copies. And yes, this is INTERNATIONAL.

::Here are the links to all our affiliates::

Teens Read And Write
Books At Midnight
The Neverending Shelf
Delightful Reviews
Mindful Musings
Bloody Bookaholic
The Book Scout
Flipping Pages For All Ages
Lost For Words
Book Crazy


Stephanie said...

Congratulations on hitting 800 followers!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Awesome giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Marce said...

800 followers are amazing, well done and thanks for the international contest.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!!! I hope I win!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this giveaway!!! and I love the prize pack!! call me slow, but i can't find a the follow sidebar on ur other blog. I' should go back and look a bit harder.

A Story Untold said...

Thanks once again for an amazing contest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this! Good luck to all :D

E.J. Stevens said...

Congrats on the followers! Great giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

great giveaway! congrats on 800+! followers

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

YAY 800 followers congrats

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Yay yay on 800!! And I've now posted. :D

angeleyez said...

Awesome giveaway... I hope i win.

Emma (the Expat) said...

I am proud to be one of your followers! Great job! Also, I must investigate this "Sea" book.

doreen lamoureux said...

Congrats you rad girls.
Thanks for the celebration giveaway and thanks for letting me know of more book blogs. I love book blogs.
Oh Ya, I forgot to give myself +1 just for entering. Are you able to do it....if not..thats okay. The wind is in the random org.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Paper Cut Reviewer said...

Wow 800 followers! That's incredible and a big congrats! This is a great contest by the way:) Thanks!

Little Miss Becky :) said...

Thanks for offering this one! I would love to have Linger!! And congrats on the followers!

Brodie said...

Ooooh wow, such amazing drool worthy books up for grabs!! Huge congrats to both of you on your fabulous blogs and followers :D Thanks!

Ellz said...

Great giveaway.

Bere said...

Wow! What an amazing contest! Thanks so much! =)

Bingo said...

I apologize for not coming by sooner but have been overcommitted and swamped! (Also going to be a Yiayia for the first time, Eleni, in 5 weeks so that has kept me busy!) BUT I wanted to congratulate you on hitting 800...WOW! and on your great new look of your blog! I LOVE IT!...Come by some time when you have a chance, kiddo!

Lynsey Newton said...

Fantastic giveaway girls! And thank you for making it international :)

Rachel said...

Awesome contest! Thanks!

Misty said...

Wow! Congrats to both of you! That's pretty amazing.

Υess Mendoza =] said...

Awesome contest! Thanks for making it international ^^ !!!!!!!!!!

Ina said...

that are fantastic books -thanks so much!
hugs, Ina

Gene said...

Oh darn, book depository doesn't deliver in my country. huhuhu!

Cherry said...

Re-twitted again about your contest El:

sRy_ said...

congrats on your followers! :)

rose said...

This is an awesome giveaway. The books are... WOW

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I accidentally entered twice X( I'm sorry about that.

misskallie2000 said...

I filled out the form on A book Addiction a while back but have not been able to find her tweet link??
So, can I tweet using your link since I follow you.??

RT: 3-20-10
Latest: lafemmereaders The Body Finder is so freakin good so far Retweeted by you half a minute ago

Thanks for great giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Glory said...

Wow!! Rules of attraction!!! My, my,my!!! LOL

my mail:

Jamie W. said...

Following both! What a great give-a-way, I had to enter for my daughter, this would be a wonderful surprise for her :)

Thank you for the chance to win!


jamiejaws AT

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Awesome contest! Thanks for hosting!

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

OH dear! I think I may have entered 2 very sorry!

KMichelleC87 said...

thanks for the contest

ruinwriter said...

Wonderful selection! I want to read them all.

angie said...

I just filled out the form. If it is my second entry I am sorry. I just wanted to make sure I had an entry in:)

Angelique said...

Awesome contest, thanks for hosting!

JoanneR said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! Thank you and have been a follower and am becoming a follower of Kari's.

thaeter7 said...

I now follow both blogs!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Wow! Congrats!

Flo said...

what a great great contest! thanks to you and Kari. I don't really hope to win but i entered anyway...thanks again 8)

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