Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 202
Received From: Author (Thanks Mara!)
My Review: Tagged was an interesting, creative and mellow toned novel. Kate, the protagonist was a likable character with a good head on her shoulders. Her best friend Lan, was an individual I would of liked to see more of in the book. Being the only Asian girl in school was tough for her. I felt bad because sometimes she was excluded from parties. But, I'm glad Kate was there to keep her strong. Eli, Kate's crush, was down to earth and cute. I really liked his personality off the bat and was rooting for Kate to approach him with her feelings. Now, for the whole concept of tagging the same graffiti throughout the state was intriguing. I never read that in YA before, so it definitely questioned the idea if graffiti should be considered vandalism or art?
The only thing that irked me was it never explained why the artist picked gorillas for his graffiti. The gorilla issue was introduced in the beginning of the book and continued on. I thought it was a little overdone and got annoying at times. Overall, this read was light and had an interesting enough plot to hold my attention. I just thought it had potential to be powerful with the idea that vandalism could be an expression of art but, it lacked the substance to make that impact. However, I do recommend this book since the plot is new and refreshing and the cover is really pretty even though it could be misleading. I must say Mara is super cool and does have a bright future as a writer so check out her interview below! :)
My Rating:

For more info on Mara, visit her site(s):
Website: http://www.marapurnhagen.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mara.purnhagen
Good Reads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3097903.Mara_Purnhagen
Up & Coming Books:
-Past Midnight - Book #1 (September 1, 2010)
-A Hundred Candles -Book #2 (Spring 2011)
-The Other Life - Book #3(Fall 2011)
Author Interview:
1) How old were you when you started writing?
2) What inspired you to write Tagged? Two main elements of the story-- a mysterious graffiti artist who paints gorillas and a huge, televised birthday bash-- came to me while I was washing dishes. I could hear the TV in the living room, which was advertising a reality show about huge sweet sixteen parties. I was listening to the commercial and thinking about Banksy, a British graffiti artist, and I wondered how I could connect those two things. I had just bought my husband a work bench for the garage which had a gorilla sticker on it and he was joking about how serious the gorilla looked. Those three things collided, and I had a first chapter before the end of the night (and a pile of dishes that didn’t get done).
3) Are the characters in the books based on someone you know?
4) What was the hardest part about writing Tagged?
5) If you had to describe your book in one word, what would it be and why?
6) What are your thoughts on the book cover?
7) Do you have any other projects you're currently working on?
8) What book are you currently reading?
9) Do you have anything to say to all your readers?
10) Tell us something about yourself that no one knows about.
I loved the interview and enjoyed the opportunity to get to know her. I am not sure about the book though. I think I would be more inclined to start her series which is coming out.
Thanks for the info.
How fun that she wrote a book and then ran into one of her characters! Great interview and great review!
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