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None right now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wherever Nina Lies Giveaway!


Chelsy from Big Honcho Media approached me with this generous 3 paperback book giveaway of Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten. If you're not familiar with the book, look below for a summary and rules on how to enter...

Wherever Nina Lies
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: Point
Pages: 320

Summary: Nina was beautiful, wild & adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But, one day, Nina disappeared. 2 years later, everyone has given up hope that Nina will return, but Ellie knows her sister is out there. If only Ellie had a clue where to look. Then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing. Determined to find Nina, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy, cross-country road trip with the only person who believes she's got a chance - her hot, adventurous new crush. Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn't planning on. Like love. Lies. And the most shocking thing of all: the truth.


+1 Leave a comment in order to be entered
+1 Please write your e-mail (If you don't feel comfortable posting it, just e-mail me at
+5 New Follower (Make sure you press the "follow" button in the box on my sidebar)
+7 Already an old follower (Love ya!)
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter
+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook
+2 Follow me on twitter
+1 Twitter about contest (Leave Link)
+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed
+2 Sidebar about contest (Leave Link)
+10 Make an actual post on your blog (Leave Link)
+1 Please tally your total entries

-Open to US only, international readers can enter if they have someone in the states who can accept their prize in mail.
-Their will be three winners who will receive Wherever Nina Lies in paperback.
-Deadline: March 8, 2010 at midnight.


Robby said...

+1 a comment
+1 email (
+7 old follower
+1 tally up entries

I am SO EAGER to read this book. It sounds phenomenal!

typicalmemory-x said...

+1 Comment
+1 Email (
+7 Old Follower
+2 Following You
+1 Tally Enteries
Total= 12

Anonymous said...

+1 This books sounds like a great read. Would love to win it!.
+1 twilightforever.edward(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 already a follower
+3 followr Lynn on Twitter
+2 follow you on twitter
+1 tweet about this contest
+2 sidebar
+10 blog post
+1 total

28 (27) total

Allison said...

I chuckle whenever I see a lot of book blogs having contests for the same book. :)

+1 comment
+7 old follower
+1 RSS Feed
+1 tally

Total: 11

StephTheBookworm said...

+1 I really want to read this!
+1 stephaniet117(at)yahoo(dot)com
+7 old follower
+1 total = 10

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!
+1 comment
+1 foltzsfantasticbooks at
+7 old follower
+3 follow Lynn on Twitter (justkeepreading)
+2 follow you on twitter (justkeepreading)
+2 sidebar
+1 total 17 :)

Cats on the Shelf said...

+1 a comment (Hello!)
+1 email (
+7 old follower (well before this post anyways)
+1 tally up entries

Lais said...

+1 This book sound sso interesting!
+7 Already an old follower
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter (Endlessreading)
+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook (Laisa Cuevas)
+2 Follow me on twitter (Endlessreading)
+1 Twitter about contest (
+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed
+1 Total: 19

Anonymous said...

I'm an old follower +7

I follow Lynn on Twitter +3

Of course, I follow you! +2

I tweeted +1

I sidebar'd +2

Total entries ~ 14

Thanks for the giveaway!


CallMeKayla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CallMeKayla said...

It sounds really cool! Please enter me in the contest!

+ 1 left a comment
+ 1 e-mail at the bottom of this post
+ 7 already an old follower
+ 2 following you on twitter- bookluver09
+ 1 subscribe to RRS feed
+ 1 total entries = 12

Jason said...

+1 for my comment
+1 for my email address (
+7 old follower
+1 RSS Feed
+1 for tallying :)
= 11 entries!

Thanks, Jase

Erica said...

I would love to be entered! :)

+1 Leave a comment
+7 Already an old follower
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter @thebookcellarx
+2 Follow you on twitter
+1 Please tally your total entries: 15

:) Erica

Leslie said...

+1 comment
+1 email
+7 old follower
+1 tally up entries

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

+1 I would love to be entered. :)
+7 old follower
+3 following Lynn on twitter
+3 friend of Lynn on facebook
+2 following you on twitter
+1 totaling the entries
Total: 18

Kelsey said...

I am a new follower.
I follow you on Twitter and I follow Lynn Weingarten on Twitter with the username alice91.
I tweeted about this contest:
I sent a friend request to Lynn Weingarten on Facebook.

Total entries: 17

Great contest! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.


throuthehaze said...

+1 Count me in please

+1 throuthehaze at gmail dot com

+7 Old follower

+2 follow you on twitter @throuthehaze

+1 RSS Feed subscriber

+1 tallied

= 13 entries

holdenj said...

+1 Looks like an interesting book!
+1 JHolden955(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 old follower
+1 tally= 10 entries


Mandy said...

+1 Leave a comment in order to be entered
+1 Please write your e-mail:
+7 Already an old follower
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter
+2 Follow me on twitter:
+1 Please tally your total entries
Total - 15

Sueann said...

+1 Love to be entered!!
+1 Email is
+7 am definitely a follower
+1 Tallied my total entries

Total is 10

Thanks and hugs

Emily said...

Please enter me :)
+1 WilowRaven[at]yahoo[dot]com
+7 Old Follower
+3 Following Lynn on Twitter
+2 Following you on Twitter
+1 Subscribe to you RSS Feed
+1 Tally -- 15


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

+1 This book looks like a fun read :)


+7 old follower

+1 total: +10

Thanks for doing this!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

+1 Leave a comment in order to be entered

+7 Already an old follower (Love ya!)
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter
+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook
+2 Follow me on twitter

+1 Please tally your total entries


Very cool contest!

Bere said...

How awesome Eleni!
Thanks for the contest, please count me in =)

+1 Comment
+1 E-mail: bere4estrella(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
+7 Old follower =)
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter: @LunitaBere
+2 Follow on twitter: @LunitaBere
+1 Twitter about contest:
+1 Subscribe RSS Feed
+2 Sidebar about contest:
+1 Please tally your total entries

Total entries: 19

Thanks a bunches! =)

Martha Lawson said...

+1 This looks like a great read


+7 already follow on google friend

+1 tallied entries


pepsivanilla said...

+1 This looks so good!
+1 pepsivanilla14(at)hotmail(dot)com
+7 old follower
+1 add entries

= 10

Erin said...

+1 I love th concept of this book!!

+1 erin(.)dubrock(@)comcast(.)net

+7 Already an old follower (Love ya!)

+2 Follow you on twitter

+1 = 12 :]

Jessy said...

+1-I keep hearing such great things about this book.
+5-I follow you & Lynn on Twitter (@emma015)
+7-Old follower

+1-findjessyhere at gmail dot com

+15 total

Stacey Brucale said...

+1 Please enter me!
+1 xxsquigglesxx(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 Old follower
+3 following Lynn's twitter (squiggles87)
+2 Following your twitter (squiggles87)
+1 Tally entries

TOTAL = 15

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

+1 Intriguing cover!
+1 book.izzle[at]yahoo[dot]com
+7 Old follower ♥
+2 Follow you on twitter (@nikkinizzle)
+1 Please tally your total entries

= 12

Thanks for the opportunity!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

+1 This sounds wonderful :) Please enter me!

+5 New follower (Gah! Thought I already was a follower!)

+3 following Lynn's blog

+2 I follow you on Twitter

11 total :)

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Hi Eleni,

+1 - I'd love a chance to win this. I just read a really great review and it definitely changed my mind about reading this.
+1 - mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
+7 - I already follow!
+3 - I follow Lynn on twitter
+2 - I follow you on twitter
+1 - I'm already a subscriber
+2 - Posted on sidebar (
+1 - 18 total entries =)

Bookish in a Box said...

I would love to read this. It sounds awesome!

+1 Comment
+1 whatinabox at gmail dot com
+7 Old follower
+3 Twitter follower of Lynn Weingarten (@whatinabox)
+2 La Femme Readers Twitter follower (@whatinabox)
+1 Tweet:
+2 Sidebar:

TOTAL = 18

YA Book Queen said...

+1 comment :)
+7 old follower
+3 follow Lynn's on Twitter (@YABookQueen)
+3 friend request Lynn on Facebook (Lea-ya Book Queen)
+2 follow Eleni on Twitter (@YABookQueen)
+1 tally up entries

TOTAL = 18

Amanda Leigh said...

+1 This sounds great!
+1 notreallysouthernvampchick (at) gmail (dot) com
+7 Already an old follower (Love ya!)
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter(NRSVampChick)
+2 Follow me on twitter(NRSVampChick)
+2 Sidebar about contest
+10 Make an actual post on your blog
+1 total=+27

donnas said...

Sounds really good. Please include me.

+1 comment
+1 bacchus76 at myself dot com
+7 old follower
+3 follow Lynn on twitter (@donnas1)
+3 sent FB friend request
+2 follow you on twitter
+1 tweet -
+1 subscribe to RSS feed
+2 sidebar -
+10 post -
+1 total - 31

justpeachy36 said...

Please enter me in the giveaway.

+1 comment
+1 e-mail address
+7 Already a follower
+3 Following Lynn on twitter @justpeachy36
+2 I follow you on twitter @justpeachy36
+1 I subscribe to RSS feed
+1 for totaling entries


Anonymous said...

+1 Great contest! Good luck everyone!
+1 e-mail-
+5 New Follower
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter - @YeseniaKiss
+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook -
+2 Follow me on twitter - @YeseniaKiss
+1 Twitter about contest-
+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed
+2 Sidebar about contest-
+10 Make an actual post on your blog-
+1 Please tally your total entries

Total - 30

Sarah said...

+1 Thanks for the contest!!
+1 two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
+7 Old follower
+2 Sidebar,
+1 12 entries couting this one.

:) Sarah

Zia said...

+1 would love to be entered
+1 ziaria(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 Old follower
+2 Follow on twitter - @ziaria
+1 Tally your entries.

Entries = 12

Unknown said...

Oh my.

Comment 1 1
Old Follower 7
Lynn on Twitter 3
Lynn on FB 3
You on Twitter 2
tweet 1
Tally 1
TOTAL: 19 total entries!


Lindsay Frost said...

I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
7+ old follower

Michelle Santiago said...

please count me in for this giveaway! i'm a new follower :) my email: bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com

+1 Leave a comment
+1 Please write your e-mail
+5 New Follower
+1 Please tally your total entries

Total: 8

Sara said...

Ahh thanks for the giveaway!

+1 leave a comment
+7 old follower :)
+1 please tally your total entries

Total: 10

Anonymous said...

+1 loved it when I first heard about it


+7 already a follower

+3 Became Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook

+2 Sidebar about contest:

+10 Post on blog:

Total: +25 Geez, that's surprising.....

Chioma said...

+1 I really really want to win this book, it sounds so good!!!
+7 Old Follower
+1 ~10~ total entries!!!

KMichelleC87 said...

This book looks really good. Please enter me in this contest.

+1 comment
+1 email
+5 new follower
+1 total=8

Thank You!!!

Lizzy said...

I've seen this book all over the place recently, thanks for hosting a contest!

+1 comment

+1 email is

+5 New Follower

+2 Following you on twitter. I'm @cornucopiaofluv

+2 Sidebar link here:

+1 tallying total entries

Total= 12 entries


Unknown said...

I've heard about this book, and it sounds very interesting. Would love to check it out!

+1 Leave a comment
+1 Email: pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com
+7 Already an old follower (Love ya!)
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter (@_elizabethjoy)
+2 Follow me on twitter (@_elizabethjoy)
+1 Twitter about contest (Leave Link)
+2 Sidebar about contest (Leave Link)
+1 Please tally your total entries
Total: +18

Unknown said...

+1 Comment
+7 old follower
+3 follow Lynn's twitter
+3 friends with Lynn
+2 follow you on twitter
+1 tweeted @leilani_lopez
+1 subscribed to your RSS feed
+2 sidebar
+10 actual blog
+1 email
+1 add up


P.S I LOVE Ian Somerhalder. He is to die for as Damon in Vampire Diaries.

misskallie2000 said...

I really want to read this book. Read great reviews. Thanks for the giveaway.
+1 Leave a comment in order to be entered

+1 email
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

+5 New Follower (Make sure you press the "follow" button in the box on my sidebar)

+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed

+1 Pls tally total entries


MannaB said...

+1 I can't wait to read this!
+7 old follower
+1 add up
= 10 entries

Melissa said...

excited to read this.

+7 old follower


Van Pham said...

looking forward to reading this

+7 old follower
+3 Lynn Weingarten twitter follower (vanpham88)
+2 follow you on twitter (vanpham88)
+1 email: Littopandaxpress(at)yahoo(dot)com

Aik said...

+1 I'd love to enter! Thanks!

+1 aikychien at yahoo dot com

+7 Already an old follower

+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter @aikchien

+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook (Aik Chien)

+2 Follow you on twitter

+1 Twitter about contest

+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed

+1 Please tally your total entries

Total entries: 20

Leanne said...

+1 Awesome contest! :]
+5 New follower!
+3 Following on Twitter. [my twitter name is @leannejaseyrae]
+2 Following you on Twitter. [see above]
+1 13 total entries.

misskallie2000 said...

I want to read this book. Maybe I can win it,,Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

+1 Comment
+1 misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
+7 Already an old follower(Love ya!
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter
+2 Follow me on twitter
+1 Twitter about contest(misskallie
+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed
+1 Please tally your total entries

17 Total

Anonymous said...

+1 comment. Love the layout btw
+7 Already a follower
+10 post
Total: 19


Sarah said...

+1 Comment
+7 old follower
+3 Follower
+2 Your Follower
+1 Tweeted:
+1 Tally

Total: 16

Book Sp(l)ot said...

+1 I would love to own a copy of this book---yay for contests!! (and I have one running for Dark Divine nail polish on my blog if you'd like to enter:
+1 book.splot[at]gmail[dot]com
+5 follower (I was on Google Reader where I actually read things but now am here too)
+1 Subscribe to my RSS Feed
+2 Sidebar about contest ( be up in just a sec)
+1 tally your total entries=

total= 11


Raspberry said...

+1 This looks like a fun read!
+1 Thanks! rae_sunshine4(at)
+7 Old Follower, of course. :)

The Lovely Reader said...

+1 Commenting, want to read this book so badly :) So many contests for it, maybe I will finally win!
+1 barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
+1 Tally

Total of 3 entries
Thanks for the contest!

Persephone said...

Sounds like an interesting book!

+1 comment
+1 email
+7 old follower
+1 Tweeted

+1 total = 11

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

L said...

+1 This book sounds really good!
+1 naggy8(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 old follower =D
+3 Follow Lynn Weingarten's twitter
+3 Become Lynn Weingarten's friend on Facebook(Alexa N.)
+2 Follow on twitter @naggy8
+1 Subscribe to RSS Feed
+1 total: 19

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Thank you for leaving a comment, sending you kisses and hugs!! Oops, I am sorry if I slobbered on you. ;)

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