Question: Who is your favorite book couple?
My Answer: I have a few that I love: Jace and Clary from the Mortal Instruments series, Edward and Bella, well more Edward than Bella's annoying self. Sonny and Kelley from Wondrous Strange, of course Alex and Brittany from Perfect Chemistry and now, I'm currently reading Hearts At Stake and I love Nicholas and Lucy's relationship.
I'd love to know your answers, so leave me a comment :)

After thinking about it for a bit, I went back to my beautiful Zsadist and the lovely Bella from Black Dagger Brotherhood. This is one of those Beauty and the Beasts tales. He was tortured and deeply scarred all over his face and body. She's the gorgeous upper class dame that falls prisoner to the enemy. He rescues her then cares for her by bathing her and singing to her to keep the nightmares away. He even learned to read and write so he could leave her the most beautiful love note ever in Lover Awakened. I'm getting misty eyed just thinking about them. *le sigh*
Bear and Cassie (from Ice)! I'm a fan of unconventional romances. And, of course, my lovely Captain Wentworth and Anne (Darcy and Elizabeth totally rock my socks too)! And I must agree with you on Jace and Clary, too! I've suddenly realized it's been awhile since I've read a good romance.
I guess I have to go with Edward and Bella - just too hot a love their to ignore :)
oooh! I like your choices. I completely agree with the Edward Bella thing! I really did love Clary and Jace and I was so glad when Clary learned that Jace wasn't her brother...though that was kind of expected!
I would hope so lol
I have an award for you:
Sam and Grace from Shiver for me.
My favorite book couple of all time is Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet of Jane Austens' Pride And Prejudice. I think they are a couple with lasting power (as they've been together for almost 200 years). They're quirks and faults are what make them endearing and believable to the reader. And thats why they're my #1 couple.
Mine would still be Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter from A Walk to Remember. The book, not the movie of course. (although Shane West did a great job as Carter)
I read this years ago, probably when I was 14-ish, and though I've read several love stories since then, I can still they're still my favorite till today :)
Kelley and Sonny; Edward and Bella and Roarke and Eve from the JD Robb series.
My favorite book couple would have to be...Suze and Jesse from The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot. :)
Just for brevity's sake, Eleni, I've posted my choices here:
if you'd like to see them. :)
Linked you as per usual, girl! :D
And no favorite for me; it really depends on what I'm reading atm. There are too many adorable couples I could gush for days about. *o*
As for Nicholas and Lucy, lol, they're so cute together. Always fighting, but definitely meant for each other.
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