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Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's Question Of The Day!

Question: What book are you reading right now and what's your favorite part so far?

My Answer: Right now I am reading Lipstick Apology by Jennifer Jabaley, and my favorite part would have to be how Jennifer balances serious moments with a fun sense of humor.

I want to hear your answers, so leave me a comment! :)


Zombie Girrrl said...

I'm currently reading City of Glass by Cassandra Clare. My favorite part is the character interaction and the action.

Readingjunky said...

I'm reading SUPER STOCK ROOKIE by Will Weaver. My favorite part is the fact that it has enough good action to interest reluctant 8th grade guy readers. (Since school starts next week, they are one of my target audiences.)


Sheila (bookjourney) said...

I am reading Alvor by Laura Bingham and it is fantasy which I dont read a lot of but when I find the right one....
I am loving that I am getting a bit of a Narnia vibe from it ( brother and sister being trained to do battle in a world they find in the foods by their home) and a bit of Twilight too (they have been gifted with incredible speed and I cant help but think of Edwards (Twilight) skills as a vampre where he moves so fast you can hardly see him.

Sarbear said...

I am reading Hush,Hush and my favorite part is Nora's best friend, Vee, embarrassing her by telling the guys that Nora goes on dates with lies about Patch, like that he's stalking her and the police have nearly gotten involved!

La Coccinelle said...

I answered on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I am Reading Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston and my favorite part is how Kelley can be vulnerable and strong at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Dull Boy by Sarah Cross and my favorite part is when Avery kicks but with his superpowers

Sheila (bookjourney) said...

I am just starting The Sign For Drowning. So far I really enjoy the writing. I am really not that far into it yet.

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