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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Plus One Hardcover by Elizabeth Fama 
Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: April 8, 2014
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Pages: 384

Summary: Divided by day and night and on the run from authorities, star-crossed young lovers unearth a sinister conspiracy in this compelling romantic thriller. Seventeen-year-old Soleil Le Coeur is a Smudge—a night dweller prohibited by law from going out during the day. When she fakes an injury in order to get access to and kidnap her newborn niece—a day dweller, or Ray—she sets in motion a fast-paced adventure that will bring her into conflict with the powerful lawmakers who order her world, and draw her together with the boy she was destined to fall in love with, but who is also a Ray.  Set in a vivid alternate reality and peopled with complex, deeply human characters on both sides of the day-night divide, Plus One is a brilliantly imagined drama of individual liberty and civil rights, and a fast-paced romantic adventure story.

Dissonance by Erica O'Rourke
Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: July 22, 2014
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Pages: 496

Summary: In this inventive romantic thriller, Del has the power to navigate between alternate realities—and the power to save multiple worlds. Delancey knows for sure that there is more than one universe. Many more. Because every time someone makes a choice, a new, parallel world is spun off the existing one. Eating breakfast or skipping it, turning left instead of right, sneaking out instead of staying in bed—all of these choices create alternate universes in which echo selves take the roads not traveled. Del knows all of this because she’s a Walker, someone who can navigate between the worlds, and whose job is to keep the dimensions in harmony. But Del’s decisions have consequences too. Even though she’s forbidden from Walking after a training session goes horribly wrong, she secretly starts to investigate other dissonant worlds. She’s particularly intrigued by the echo versions of Simon Lane, a guy who won’t give her the time of day in the main world, but whose alternate selves are uniquely interested. But falling for Simon draws Del closer to a truth that the Council of Walkers is trying to hide—a secret that threatens the fate of the entire multiverse.

What are your thoughts on Plus One and Dissonance?


Lea (YA Book Queen) said...

I'm so excited for both of these, but especially Dissonance! Alternate realities always fascinate me :)

Great WOW's!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

thanks your info
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Unknown said...

I always express my gratitude to you for allowing me to comment

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Unknown said...

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Obat Sperma Kosong

Unknown said...

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Silahkan anda pesan sebelum kehabisan.. ;)
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Jadi ayo segera di order sekarang juga...

Serba Serbi Kehidupan said...

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Unknown said...

Green World is a company that develops healthcare products made from herbs and International level. Already circulating in more than 20 countries worldwide and has been recognized by the population. A lot of products that you can choose according to what you need. Some products such as Hepatsure Capsule are useful as guardians of the health of the liver and treat various types of diseases that attack it. Then the second one there Ginkgo Biloba Plus Capsule, a drug which is efficacious at all because it is made from extracts of ginkgo biloba in which these materials have a lot of people who know all his properties. Triflex Capsule Segalam drug used to treat different types of disorders in the joints and bones. Chitosan Capsule Drugs that can treat cancer and tumors is made from chitosan which are in shrimp, crab and lobster. Lastly is Glucoberry & Glucocoa is a beauty supplement in the form of juice that can be used by women to overcome the problem of pimples, blackheads, dark spots, wrinkles and other complaints.

RatnaSuci said...

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Unknown said...

i like your post sir ,.. nice ..

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Unknown said...

Update terus gan website nya ... bagus sangat membantu nih ...

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Penyebab Trombosit Turun Pada Orang Dewasa
Pengobatan Tradisional Tumor Otak Secara Herbal Dan Alami
Benjolan Di Ketiak Sakit Bila Ditekan

Unknown said...

nice , i like your post . very simple but amazing !!!

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SI Pahit Pare Berkhasiat Bagi Penderita Diabetes ! Ini Buktinya
Inidia Jawaban Kenapa Penderita Diabetes Menjadi Kurus
Obat Tradisional Penyakit Diabetes Murah

Unknown said...

must remain optimistic, should not give up so easily!

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BIntang Jaya Herbal said...

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لمار للتسويق الالكتروني said...

عزيزي العميل اذا كنت تبحث عن أفضل شركة كشف تسربات بجدة ومكة والطائف لا بد من ان تتصل الآن على شركة العلا لخدمات كشف تسربات بجدة وأيضا تعمل مؤسسة العلا في خدمات عزل الخزانات والاسطح والمسابح وحل مشاكل تسربات المياه التي تؤرق العديد ن العملاء لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا :
من اهم خدماتنا :
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افضل شركة عزل مائى بجدة
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HerbalSite said...

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walatrazedoril said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

information that is so amazing to read because its a very interesting story
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walatraherbal07 said...

The news you present today is so very useful.
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Unknown said...

Hope it gets better, thank you

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Apakah Merokok Menyebabkan Kanker Mulut ?
Apakah Penyakit Laringitis Kronis Bisa Disembuhkan ?

walatraherbal07 said...

Not expecting to get very interesting information.
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Ximena Jimena said...

Hello everyone my name Ximena Jimena from Cuba i want to use this medium to inform the world on how i got cured from Herpes & diabetes at first when i had symptoms back in 2014 i went for test and it came out positive i lost hope of getting a better relationship or marriage, everything changed when i met Dr Itua i contacted explained everything to him and he said he has the cure so i decided to order it from him, so i actually did after 2 weeks i went for test and i was negative i'm forever grateful to him.he can also cure all diseases

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