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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Korean Love: The Master's Sun Drama

Some of you who know me outside of reading books, know that I am obsessed with Korean dramas. I decided to post about them once in a while just to keep my love for blogging going. I'll be sporadically posting about dramas that I've previously watched or am currently drooling over.

My current love for the past week has been this drama: 
The Master's Sun

Oh my gosh. I finished this drama some time ago and holy crap, this is one of my favorite Korean dramas ever. It has just the right mix of drama and comedy with a supernatural theme. If you love creepy ghosts popping up all over, than look no further. I simply fell in love with all the characters and literally did not want it to end. I really hope they make a second season, I just need more!!

This is what the drama is about:

Joo Joong-won (So Ji-sub) is the stingy and greedy CEO of Kingdom, a conglomerate that includes a major department store and hotel. He meets the gloomy Tae Gong-shil (Gong Hyo-jin), who started seeing ghosts after an accident. Their lives take a new turn as they work together to deal with the terror and sadness brought about by the spirits, while delving into a kidnapping incident in Joong-won's past.

Check out the trailer below:

Interested in watching? Check out these sites for episodes with english subtitles!


Dazzling Mage said...

Gosh, I have so many dramas to catch up on! This sounds really interesting though-- and I did hear a lot of good things about it.

Irene Jennings said...

SBS should hire you for their future drama trailers and editing. Job well done :) I just hope this drama rating would go through the roof. Such an awesome drama that doesn't follow same old kdramas with same old story lines.

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WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Sounds interesting.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Siannalyn said...

Wow, this sound amazing! *___*

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Unknown said...

Ughhh I fricking LOVED this drama. I'm still sad to see it's over. lol.

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