Books For Thought is a feature where I post a book-related question up for discussion. I am open to all opinions and enjoy reading diverse comments from my lovely followers. I look forward to picking your minds!
Have a question idea? Share it here and I'll feature your blog in this post.
I've been out of the blogging loop for a while now, so I'd love to get some reading suggestions from you all. What are some releases you read in 2013/2014 that is worth reading?
My Answer: Honestly, it's been awhile since I read, but the most recent book that I thoroughly enjoyed was Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. It was a great and witty read. I don't want to say too much since I'll be writing a review soon.
What are your bookish thoughts?
I bought a copy of this one, but I need to find the time to read it. I also want to read Fangirl by the same author because I'm a TOTAL fangirl about things. I think I'll be able to relate.
In 2013, I read Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas. Such a good mystery/thriller.
I keep hearing how fabulous E&P is! I really need to start that one soon.
I agree with Shooting Stars up above - I read Dangerous Girls recently, and was so surprised by how incredible it was. I also loved Crown of Midnight, City of a Thousand Dolls, and The Book of Broken Hearts.
I have this on and Fangirl on my tbr list as they have been getting so much attention.
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