Some of you who know me outside of reading books, know that I am obsessed with Korean dramas. I decided to post about them once in a while just to keep my love for blogging going. I'll be sporadically posting about dramas that I've previously watched or am currently drooling over. ________________________________
My current love for the past week has been this drama:
The Moon That Embraces the Sun
I am so in love with this drama. I've been watching it every night after work. My husband is continually saying, "you're still watching this?" It's that good. There are twenty episodes so you do need a good week and a half to finish it, depending on your free time. I wasn't really a fan of historical dramas until recently, besides The Rooftop Prince, which was my previous love, this one is absolutely breathtaking. It's romantic, dramatic, scandalous, just everything you'd like to see in a drama.
This is what the drama is about:
The story of the secret love between Lee Hwon, a fictional king of Joseon, and Wol, a female shaman. Wol was born as Heo Yeon Woo, the daughter of a noble family who won the love of the crown prince, Hwon. Her enemies, jealous of her family's position in court, schemed against her and wrestled away her rightful place as crown princess and nearly takes her life. Years later, an embittered Hwon meets Wol, now a female shaman who has no recollection of her past.
I couldn't find a trailer, but this music video of the theme song portrays the romantic feel of the drama. It also has english subtitles, so that helps us non-Koreans. :)
Interested in watching? Check out these sites for episodes with english subtitles!
Looks interesting! I was never into Korean dramas but mostly because I never saw one that caught my interest. This definitely does since it reminds me of my favorite book of the moment, Eon <3
Thanks for sharing, Eleni :D
Gellie @ Kaleidoscope World.
I love The Moon That Embraces the Sun! It's the only drama that ever made me cry. Superb acting. I love the child actor/actress. The acting is realistic.
My friend is obsessed with Korean dramas... she got me to watch Secret Garden and Answer Me 1997, both of which were enjoyable (although I'm not nearly as obsessed as she is). I'm pretty sure this one is in her top 3 favorites, so it'll probably be next :)
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شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء بارسال فني يقوم بالرش مرة اخرى مجانا. نحن بفضل الله نستخدام افضل انواع ألمبيدات الحشرية التي تنهي تماما علي الحشرات والزواحف وفي اسرع وقت بدون مغادرة المنزل ومصرح بها من وزارة الصحة للحفاظ على الصحة العامة سواء الأطفال أو كبار السن. عملية مكافحة الحشرات تبدأ بأن يزور الفني منزلك لمعرفة أنواع الحشرات و الزواحف كما في
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام ، و يحدد نوع المواد و الأجهزة التي ستستخدم وبعد ذلك يقوم بتركيب المواد بشكل احترافي ، و بعدها يستهدف أماكن الحشرات بدقة حتي لا تظهر مرة اخري في المنزل، وعندها سوف تتخلص من الحشرات في المنزل فور انتهاء عمل المختص. عقود شهرية وسنوية للأفراد والمؤسسات والمؤسسات والشركات الكبري الخاصة والحكومية تـنظيف المفروشات والكنب والستائر مع التعطير تنظيف خزانات المياه وتعقمها. التـطور الـذي حدث في مجال رش المبـيدات ومكافـحة الحشرات والـذي يعتمد أساسا على استخدام نظام الرش المدعم بالهواء والذي بدأ استخدامه في جميع أنحاء العالم منذ عام 1946 والذي تم توظيفه وتطويرة في السنين الاخيرة
ويتميز بما يلي
1. سـرعـة الأداء فـي رش الـمـبيدات
2. استخدام القطرات متناهية الصغر في رش المبيدات
3. مدى واسع من الرش حتى في الأماكن الصعب الوصول اليها
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