Books For Thought is a feature where I post a book-related question up for discussion. I am open to all opinions and enjoy reading diverse comments from my lovely followers. I look forward to picking your minds!
Have a question idea? Share it here and I'll feature your blog in this post.
Are you more attracted to the bad boy or the nice boy in books?
My Answer: *Puts head down* Honestly, the bad boy. I always have a mini crush on the nice guy, but for some reason I'd rather date the bad boy who treats you like poop haha. It's just the whole vibe that surrounds them that makes the attraction mysterious. Half the time you could also see that the bad boy also has a sweet side buried somewhere in his heart, so it helps build the likability factor as you peel away the layers.
What are your bookish thoughts?
I don't like either stereotype! The nice boys are TOO nice and the bad boys are TOO bad. Can't I just have a good boy who sometimes makes mistakes? Is that so much to ask? :)
Personally, I like the idea of the bad boy, but go for the nice guy. I just think I'd get sick of all the drama that comes with the bad boy. But in a novel, it depends on who I think fits the best and that could be either.
Safari Poet
I'm the opposite of Nicole. I fall in love with both most of the time. (Shatter Me) I think there's usually some good and some bad in both sets and that all they need is the right girl ;)
I totally agree with what Nicole said. I'm really not crazy about the bad boys in YA fiction who are abusive and dry as toast heroines who put up with their abuse.
I typically lean towards the bad boys because they are tall dark and handsome with a splash of brooding, but some of my biggest crushes have been good guys: Ronald Weasley, Peeta, and Cricket because of their personalities.
I think more often I'm drawn to the bad boy. I just can't help it because you can't resist them. The good guys are nice and I do fall for them once in a while but you have to have a little bit of an edge, you can't be a push over.
I am definitely attracted to the bad boy. They are just so irresistable with the whole mystery vibe that comes off them. And then you see they have a sweet side and the attractive level goes way up lol.
I have to say that right now I'm into the good boy but i have times that it does change but at the moment Im reading this book And honestly I'm hoping that she picks the good guy, so I have to say that I like the good boy!
Almost always the bad boys. :)
Definitely the bad boy.
Bad boy, bad boy, bad boy aaaaall the way, lol. Even the villain if he's well done. Yum xD
New follower of your fabulous blog :D
Have a great weekend!
Bad boy, without a doubt. =)
It really depends. I can like both depending on the story. But, usually I go for the nice boy. Why would I want to fawn over someone who will be mean? And why would I want the protagonist to fall in love with someone who will inevitably bring her to tears?
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