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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tantalizing Future YA Releases!

Tantalizing Future YA Releases is a weekly feature where I showcase upcoming YA covers. All titles are linked to GoodReads for summary details. Also, please note that covers may not be final. If changes occur I will replace the covers with the new versions.

  • Fated by Sarah Alderson (Simon & Schuster Childrens Books, 1/5/12)
  • Goddess Interrupted (Goddess Test, #2) by Aimee Carter (HarlequinTeen, 3/27/12)
  • Destined (Wings, #4) by Aprilynne Pike (HarperCollins, 4/28/12)
  • Wanted by Heidi Ayarbe (Balzer + Bray, 5/1/12)
  • Until I Die (Revenants, #2) by Amy Plum (HarperCollins, 5/8/12)
  • The Lost Code (The Atlanteans, #1) by Kevin Emerson (HarperCollins, 5/22/12)
  • One Moment by Kristina McBride (EgmontUSA, 6/26/12)
  • Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers, #1) by Michelle Rowen (Harlequin Teen, 6/2012)
  • Arise (Hereafter, #2) by Tara Hudson (HarperCollins, 7/5/12)
  • Tempest Unleashed (Tempest, #2) by Tracy Deebs (Walker Childrens, 6/5/12)
  • Hide and Seek (The Lying Game, #4) by Sara Shepard (HarperTeen, 7/31/12)
  • Wake (Watersong, #1) by Amanda Hocking (St. Martin's Press, 8/2/12)
  • Counting Backwards by Laura Lascarso (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 8/14/12)
  • Smashed by Lisa Luedeke (Margaret K. McElderry, 8/21/12)
  • The Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors (Walker Childrens, 8/21/12)
  • Touched (Touched, #1) by Corrine Jackson (Kensington Teen, 12/2012)
  • Earth Angel (Falling Angels, #2) by E. Van Lowe (Date TBA)


Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

As usual, a lot of great books featured - I added quite a few to my TBR! :)

The Musings of ALMYBNENR

Dazzling Mage said...

Waaa, so many beautiful covers, so many great books~

Mari said...

My wish list just keep growing and growing and growing(you get the idea LOL)...

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a Nice books collection i have seen your blog and i am very inspired from you.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Diablo 3 Guide

LoriStrongin said...

Ooh, LOTS of good books coming our way, looks like! The cover of Goddess Interrupted is gorgeous, and I can't wait to read Crazy by Amy Reed after loving Clean so much earlier this year.


LisaILJ said...

I think Goodreads is about to send me a message that I have exceeded the number of books allowed on my TBR list.

Bookluvr Mindy said...

It's my first time stopping by and so far I like what I see! So I'm a new follower! You you will probably see stalking regularly from now one!

Magical Urban Fantasy Reads

LinWash said...

I've been WAITING for Goddess Interrupted!!

flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

The cover for Counting Backwards is so beautiful! It sounds like a really good read too. :)

The Flashlight Reader said...

Such great books coming our way! SO excited about Arise and Until I Die.

Nikki S said...

So many beautiful new covers! And I'm such a cover girl.... Looks like I'll be making myself read them all!

Mandy said...

Wow! SO many awesome and yes, tantalizing books coming soon! I can't wait for most of them! Thanks for sharing! I've added a lot more to my tbr list now.

Freak-YA-tastic said...

These books are appealing ! My to buy list will increse... Thank you !

Diablo 3 Guide said...

Amazing list ... and the covers are so pretty!

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