Blogger Fame is a meme that features a blogger once a week. I currently have a lot of entries, once it clears up, I'll add the link to join again.
Today's celebrity is . . .
Liberty from Liberty Falls Down!
Name: Liberty Gilmore
Age: 23
Location: England
Blog: Liberty Falls Down
Twitter: @Libertyfallsdwn
1) Liberty, what inspired you to start your blog, Liberty Falls Down?
LG: I was at Alt.Fiction - a small book festival in Derby - listening to some successful fantasy and science fiction writers talking about how to get a foot in the door of the publishing industry. They all suggested starting a blog. It's always been my ambition to get books published, so I thought I would follow their advice and Liberty Falls Down was born. It started out as a book blog, but it's evolved into a place where I talk about my life, my writing, and occasionally post short stories.
2) What's the meaning behind your blog title?
LG: To be perfectly honest, I just liked the way it sounded!
3) What is the best and worst part about blogging?
LG: The best part is sharing in a community, getting words of encouragement from total strangers, finding good book recommendations and advice about writing. The worst part is it can be difficult to balance keeping up regular posts, working on my fiction writing, having a full time job and trying to squeeze a life in there somewhere!
4) Which is your favorite genre to read?
LG: Paranormal, both YA and adult. I love anything with a fantasy/science fiction twist, but generally I prefer it to be routed in the real world.
5) What are your top five favorite books of all time?
-The Time Traveller's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
-The Northern Lights, Philip Pullman
-To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
-A Madness of Angels, Kate Griffin
-The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
6) Do you have any quirks while you write your posts?
LG: Er... Not that I know of. I'm always really busy, so I try to catch whatever spare time I can - usually while the Boyfriend is watching Question Time or Real Rescues.
7) Which type five blogs do you continually visit?
Hyperbole and a Half - a blog I liked, but fell in love with when I saw the post about 'Alot'. I'm a bit of a grammar nerd, and that post made me laugh so much. I want to have the pictures as a poster on my study wall.
Sleep Is For The Weak - This blog runs a fortnightly Writer's Workshop, which I love to take part in.
Adventures in Children's Publishing - A great blog for aspiring writers. They run a workshop and post loads of great links to writing advice.
Query Shark - Between laughing at the hopeless queries, this blog does dispense invaluable advice about the query writing process.
Lisa Derochers - I've been addicted to the teasers Lisa has been posting for her very soon to be released second novel, Original Sin. I am so annoyed it doesn't come out in England any time soon.
8) If you had to give advice to a newcomer, what would you tell them about blogging?
LG: Be honest, be yourself. Don't try to fit into what you think people want. If you love a book, visited a great place or really enjoyed a recipe, tell the world about it. But tell the world if you hated something too, just try to be fair and reasonable about it.
Random Questions:
- Favorite guilty pleasure? Playing Final Fantasy 12. So old school now, but it's my favourite.
- Favorite post you've written? The Kubler-Ross Model for Introduction to a Mythical World http://libertyfallsdown.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/the-kubler-ross-model-for-introduction-to-a-mythical-world/ - a bit of a rant about a trend in YA books for characters to accept the paranormal a bit too readily. It was fun to write and even more fun finding the pictures!
- Judge book by cover or summary? Both. I'm a sucker for a sexy cover, but most books have great covers now - it doesn't always mean the content is great. I like to check the summary and usually flick through and read little bits too.
- Favorite movie? Twelve Monkeys. For the music. And Brad Pitt. Also, Silence of the Lambs. It's a close call.
- Which book do you recommend we all read? A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin. It really doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
- Describe yourself in three words? Busy, creative, crazy.
Thank you Liberty for this fun interview!
Everyone please make sure you stop by her blog:
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