Tantalizing Future YA Releases is a weekly feature where I showcase upcoming YA covers. In addition, 'The Blast from the Past' section focuses on previously released books that still deserve a voice after a few years of silence. If you are inspired by this part of the meme, giving credit will be greatly appreciated.
All titles are linked to GoodReads, if summaries cannot be found I will use Amazon or the publisher's website. Also, please note that covers may not be final. If changes occur I will replace the covers with the new versions.

- Stealing Bases (PrettyTOUGH, #4) by Keri Mikulski (Razorbill, 7/7/11)
- Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen (Tor Teen, 8/2/11 - Reprint)

- Black, White, Other: In Search of Nina Armstrong by Joan Steinau Lester (Zondervan, 8/16/11)
- Damage by Anya Parrish (Flux, 9/8/11)

- Pure Red by Danielle Joseph (Flux, 9/8/11)
- First Kill (The Slayer Chronicles, #1) by Heather Brewer (Dial, 9/20/11)

- Goliath (Leviathan, #3) by Scott Westerfeld (Simon Pulse, 9/20/11)
- The Mephisto Covenant (Book #1) by Trinity Faegen (EgmontUSA, by (9/27/11)

- Lola and the Boy Next Door (Book #2) by Stephanie Perkins (Dutton Juvenile, 9/29/11)
- Daughters of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 10/3/11)

- There is No Long Distance Now: Very Short Stories by Naomi Shihab Nye (Greenwillow Books, 10/11/11)
- Crossed (Matched, #2) by Ally Condie (Dutton Juvenile, 11/1/11)

- Faking Faith by Josie Bloss (Flux, 11/8/11)
- Void: Hex; Shadows; Ghosts by Rhiannon Lassiter (Simon Pulse, 11/15/11)
*Cover Changes*
- Die For Me (Revenants, #1) by Amy Plum (HarperTeen, 5/10/11) - WHYYYYYYY!?
- Wolfsbane (Nightshade, #2) by Andrea Cremer (Philomel, 7/26/11) - I actually like this one better, I think I might be the only one who thinks this though.
*Blast From The Past*

- Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn (HarperTeen, 10/15/02)
I wish they hadn't changed the Die For Me cover either. This was is pretty but the other one was so much better, had more atmosphere and looked more mysterious.
Wow! There are so many good books coming out! I'm going to be so broke this summer and fall with buying books!
Awesome looking books! I'm really excited to learn about the existence of Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn. The synopsis sounds amazing!
I'm with you on the DIE FOR ME cover change. I liked the original much better. This one makes the book look generic IMHO. I've got to say I like the old WOLFSBANE cover, as well, though. This one just doesn't do it for me.
Love this post as always. Some of these I hadn't heard of so they are going straight to my list.
Wow, there are so many books I hadn't heard were coming out. You've definitely made my TBR pile grow! Thanks for the post. This is awesome!
So many good looking books, thanks for the post!
Eleni I look forward to your post on Tantalizing Future YA Releases every week. I wish more blogs would follow your lead.
OMG i really like these books names and they look like the books that i love reading.i going to read em thanx for the post :h:
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