Tantalizing Future YA Releases is a weekly feature where I showcase up andcoming YA covers. In addition, 'The Blast from the Past' section focuses on previously released books that still deserve a voice after a few years of silence. If you are inspired by this meme, giving credit will be greatly appreciated.
All titles are linked to GoodReads, if summaries cannot be found I will use Amazon or the publisher's website. Also, please note that covers may not be final. If changes occur I will replace the covers with the new versions.

- Amathema by Megg Jensen (DarkSide Publishing, Spring 2011 - TBA)
- Crystal Bones (The Faelin Chronicles, #1) by C. Aubrey Hall (Marshall Cavendish Children's Books, 4/2011)

- What Is Real by Karen Rivers (Orca Book Publishers, 4/1/11)
- The Magnolia League (The Magnolia League #1) by Katie Crouch (Poppy, 5/3/11)
- The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner (Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR), 5/10/11)
- The Daughters Take the Stage (Daughters, #3) by Joanna Philbin (Poppy, 5/10/11)

- Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan (Poppy, 6/1/11)
- From Bad To Cursed (Bad Girls Don't Die, #2) by Katie Alender (Hyperion Book CH, 6/14/11)

- Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society, #2) by Ally Carter (Hyperion Book CH, 6/21/11)
- Heartless (The Parasol Protectorate, #4) by Gail Carriger (Orbit, 6/28/11)

- Ravenwood by Andrew Peters (The Chicken House, 8/1/11)
- The Watchers (Delcroix Academy, Book 2) by Inara Scott (Hyperion Book CH, 8/2/11)
- Elemental Reality (Elemental, #1) by Cesya MaRae Cuono (Revolution Publishing, 8/11/11)
- Perfect (Impulse, #2) by Ellen Hopkins (Margaret K. McElderry, 8/13/11)
- Swear (Swoon, #2) by Nina Malkin (Simon Pulse, 9/6/11)
- Awake At Dawn (Shadow Falls, #2) by C.C. Hunter (10/2011)
Robin Wasserman's Continued Skinned Trilogy Covers Reveal:

OMG - How breathtaking are these covers combined!? It looks like a piece of art, Simon Pulse really outdone themselves!
*Blast From The Past*

Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: September 1, 2002 (re-released on 12/7/10)
Publisher: Atheneum
Pages: 272
Summary: Call it fate, call it intuition, or just call it common sense, but somehow young Alanna knows she isn't meant to become some proper lady cloistered in a convent. Instead, she wants to be a great warrior maiden--a female knight. But in the land of Tortall, women aren't allowed to train as warriors. So Alanna finds a way to switch places with her twin, Thom, and take his place as a knight in training at the palace of King Roald. Disguising herself as a boy, Alanna begins her training as a page in the royal court. Soon, she is garnering the admiration of all around her, including the crown prince, with her strong work ethic and her thirst for knowledge. But all the while, she is haunted by the recurring vision of a black stone city that emanates evil... somehow she knows it is her fate to purge that place of its wickedness. But how will she find it? And can she fulfill her destiny while keeping her gender a secret?
Wow, so many amazing looking books! I love the new covers/titles for the Skinned trilogy! I love how they all play into one another :)
WOW! SO many beautiful covers!
Thank you and thanks for always posting links to them on Goodreads.
thanks for posting my shiny new cover, Eleni!
(i just want to see if I can make that bitey guy show up here...?)
grrrr. How do I make bitey guy show up? I <3 bitey guy. :D
The trilogy cover looks AMAZING!
Wow, some super awesome books coming. I totally agree on the triology covers. :c:
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover
Sooooo excited for the new Ellen Hopkins book!!
Alright, I am now glad I have never bought any of the trilogy by Wasserman, because I need those covers. Is that an even newer cover for the Alanna series? Isn't this like the 4th time redoing them? lol. Love love love Tamora Pierce, I had the luck to sit at her table at a Children's Lit Conference last year and she was so fascinating to talk to. :-D
:/ I just don't know how I feel about the new covers for Robin's trilogy. I like the old ones and I feel that they portray the book's vibe a lot better than the new one. Maybe I'm alone in this... all of them together look cool but I don't see the need to revamp them and change the titles...
Wow, some of these covers are absolutely gorgeous! These are some awesome releases. Can't wait. Fantastic post, Eleni! =D
Ah, so many AMAZING covers! Thanks for posting. :) Added a lot more to my Goodreads.
Thank you so much for adding my book to your blog :)
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