In January, the lovely and talented Lisa Wolfsan a.k.a. L.K. Madigan announced that she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Yesterday, the horrible illness took this shining angel away from us. I am sadly hurt by how fast everything happened. I can't image the heartache and pain her family and friends are going through. I send them all my condolences. L.K. Madigan will be severely missed in the book world. I was a huge fan of Flash Burnout and will now treasure her last works as her lasting legacy.
She loved her son very much and it was her dream to see her son attend college. Her husband, posted on her blog, how we could help ensure that dream comes true.
You can donate by sending a check made out to the Nathan Wolfson Trust to:
Becker Capital Management, Inc.
Attn: Sharon Gueck/John Becker
1211 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2185
Portland, OR 97204
R.I.P. L.K. Madigan
[ February 23, 2011 ]
This was very nice of you Eleni. I was so sad to hear of Lisa's passing. :(
The literary world has lost a great voice, but that doesn't compare to the loss of a mother and wife. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
I loved The Mermaid Mirror, and I just started Flash Burnout.
Nice post, Eleni.
oh mi gosh that is horribly sad, I was looking at her book the other day thinking about buying it when it comes out in paperback (definitely will). RIP L.K. Madigan :(
After thought: The loss of Lisa has really made me think of books differently. This is the legacy that some people leave behind. Not the only one, and certainly not the most important, but maybe the most tangible. I wonder, if people kept that in mind, would they write the same thing? Would they still tell the same stories?
It is sad to lose such a caring, positive voice in the YA community. I am thinking of L.K.'s family and hoping that they are able to come together during this difficult time.
What a beautiful post! It's very sad, but the writing community is awesome and I love that everyone is rallying around to make sure her son is taking care of.
I heard about this. It's so tragic. :(
Oh my! That is very sad. I can't believe this. :( I haven't read any of her books yet, but I have been wanting to for a while now. Especially the mermaid's mirror. :(
I've read a few interviews with her and she sounded like a very nice and funny writer. It's so sad to hear about this.
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