This new meme, Beautiful Book Hangover will be posted sporadically on La Femme Readers. According to the Urban Dictionary, "a book hangover is a headache you get after staying up into the wee hours of the morning staring at teeny tiny print." As book addicts we've all experienced this type of hangover many times, so why not share them with each other? You are more than welcome to use this idea, just as long as you credit me.
Book Hangover Choice:

The Ivy (The Ivy, #1) by Lauren Kunze with Rina Onur
Reading Level: Young Adult
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Pages: 320
Summary: Congratulations! You have been admitted to the most prestigious university in the world. Now what are you going to do? Callie Andrews may not have money or connections or the right clothes, and she may have way too many complications in her love life, what with—Gregory the guy she loves to hate. Evan the guy she'd love to forget. Clint the guy she'd love to love and Matt the guy she really should love—all vying for her attention. But she has three fantastic roommates (best friends or her worst nightmare?) and a wholesome California-girl reputation (oops) and brains and beauty and big, big dreams. Will it be enough to help her survive freshman year at Harvard?
Why it kept me up: Okay, let me start off by saying, this book isn't for everyone. Firstly, it's not for anyone under the age of 15, due to the cursing, alcohol/drugs and minor sex content. Secondly, in my opinion, all these elements I just named formulated an intense, drama filled read I couldn't put down. I usually hate drama in real life, but in books I am all for it! The Ivy was especially fun because it kept me on my toes with all the "no she didn't" moments. All in all, I absolutely loved it. The only thing that drove me crazy was the ending, it left me so exasperated! Damn you cliffhanger, I can't wait for the sequel, Secrets coming out in May. Just in case you missed my review, hop on over here.
Time of sleep: 4:15 AM
Which book kept you up all night this week?
Wonderful idea for a meme, Eleni! There have been so many books that have stolen my sleep :) This week it was Nightwatch by Sarah Waters - this author knows how to spin a story and pull you right in! I slept around 5 and then had to wake up at 6 since I had college !
I have never heard of this book. It's sounds great! The Iron King kept me up last night! I had to force myself to put it down so I could get some sleep for work this morning!
Great idea. Love the pic btw, it's so you :D I haven't actually heard the best of things on this book you know, Hmm I'm curious now.
Love this idea! Book Hangover? Definitely had one of those before! Lol.
Excellent new meme! Love your "Time of Sleep" bit because I can totally relate and it makes me chuckle! I used to pull the 4AMers a lot when I was a lot younger, but I don't think I've made it past 2AM nowadays (mostly when I have a day off the next day!).
This is a great idea for a meme! It'll be interesting to see what keeps you up.
My last book hangover occurred with Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. I couldn't put it down!
Great new meme, Eleni! <3
What a great meme! It's good to know of books that keep other readers up late at night.
Excellent meme! My last hangover book was Heist Society by Ally Carter. But I'm reading Unearthly now and anticipate a sleepless night.
This is fun! I get waaaaaaaaaay too many book hangovers, and then suffer for it at work.
I love this idea, and I love the name! :)
Hahahaa, I have had my fair share of book hangovers! I actually had one last night with Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce!
I like that you put the time of sleep too! Definitely going to be jacking this meme from you sometime soon! :)
That is such a great idea. I have book hangovers all the time. Just this past Monday I went to sleep at 3am reading the new Kresley Cole book. Needless to say it was a terrible day at work ;)
Tee hee. This meme is very similar to the idea behind Squeaky Books! Cool!
Ooh! Great idea for a new meme! I might participate next week. :) I haven't stayed up reading many books lately. I have to make myself go to sleep so I won't be sick in the morning. A drawback to being pregnant, can't stay up all night anymore without feeling like total crap.
I miss the days where I could stay up all night reading and still be able to function perfectly with caffeine. =/
I haven't read this book yet. But I have it on my to-read/wish list!
Great idea for a meme!! I shall probably use it, of course with credit. Book hangovers are something I suffer with regularly... ;)
I've not read The Ivy but you've got me curious.
Mmmmmmmm. . . G-Dragon! Haha!! I may just join in on this! :-D :c:
Oh my gosh, this is one of the best memes I have seen. How do you come up with such cool ideas? :) And I have this book on my shelf...maybe I should pull it down and give it a whirl?!
Fantastic idea! Not only have I gotten headaches from staying up reading, but there are also those hangovers that come from a book being so beautiful that it keeps you awake with it's thoughts all night. Clever!
Okay. Now that THAT is out of the way, love this meme!!!
I'll have to get this!
The Hunger Game was up until 3am
What a great meme!
Am still up reading Outside In!
Definitely adding THE IVY to my to-read list. Love school-based drama! Great new meme, too. Seriously, I think right now I've got a permanent book hangover :)
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