*You are welcome to use my meme - just credit me please*
Question: What book of 2010 do you think was overlooked?

Answer: As you all know hype can sometimes overshadow others books. In my opinion, I think Nevermore by Kelly Creagh was one of them. It was one of my favorite releases in 2010. On top of that, Kelly is a debut author whose writing ability is phenomenal. Everything from the concept to the characters were perfectly executed. I cannot say enough about this piece of work, I am on the edge of my seat for the sequel! I even had a bit of a make out session when I first read it....

Oh Varen so yummy. Yes, I do have issues. ;)
I'd love to know your thoughts, so leave me a comment :) Have a question idea? E-mail me at lafemmereaders@yahoo.com and I'll give you credit!
I just picked up this one.. I heard really good things... I will hopefully get to it soon!
I've ordered a copy of this book and can't wait to read it! I saw it on a few best of 2010 lists, and started to think that I needed it! This is a great question, BTW.
I do think Nevermore was overlooked. It's a great book!
The book that I think was the most overlooked was 'Finnikin of the Rock' by Melina Marchetta. It came out in Feb. 2010. It's a YA fantasy. And compared to other YA fantasies, it didn't get the attention it deserved. Especially since I think Finnikin is the better pick out of some of the really popular YA fantasies out there that have been released in recent years.
I bought Nevermore a while ago and shamefully haven't read it yet :( But I WILL be reading it soon I've heard so many great things!
I need to read Nevermore.. I just finally acquired a copy of it a few months ago. I also think that Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson was overlooked. I loved that book.
Ok- Im reading this one now...So did you really makeout with the book?
I've heard such good things about this book, and especially Varen. Any fictional guy who inspires a make out photo op sounds good to me :)
I think Birthmarked was one that I greatly enjoyed and am surprised it wasn't more popular around the blogosphere considering it's a dystopian. I'm really looking forward to the sequel this year.
I bought this one on my Kindle and haven't gotten to it yet -- I'll definitely move it up on my to-read list now! :)
I REALLY loved Jillian Larkin's VIXEN, and since it was a Dec. 2010 release, I feel like it didn't get the credit it was due. It was just as good as Anna Godbersen's BRIGHT YOUNG THINGS, I thought.
I bought a copy of this just after Christmas cause I'd started hearing a bit more about it having noticed it a few times. Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I am really looking forward to it!
100% agree! I freakin adored Neverwhere and I can't believe there hasn't been more hype about it. And yes Varen is delicious. XD
Nevermore wasn't overshadowed for me. I just haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet. But i'm still dying to. :)
I think Another Pan by Daniel & Dina Nayeri was overlooked. There was a lot of contraversy over the first one but i felt like Another Pan really redeemed all of that. And then i didn't hear much about it from my fellow bloggers.
I've been meaning to read that. I feel like people kind of stayed away from it innitially becuase, if you just read the synopsis on the cover, it feels kind of Twilight-y. At least that's why it took me so long to actually want to read it. I'll definately be picking it up next time I'm at the bookstore though. For me, the most overlooked book of the twenty ten is Will Grayson, Will Grayson. It was an AMAZING book that didn't get nearly as much recognition as it deserved.
I definitely agree with you there. And it's too bad, cause NEVERMORE was my favorite book of 2010. Maybe because all these other big books came out last year? Who knows. But I CANNOT BELIEVE we have to wait till 2012 for the sequel! Injustice!
I actually agree with you on this. I was surprise this didn't become huge.
I agree, I picked this one up for it's gorgeous cover, and the story inside matched. Loved it.
And I'm with A.J. on Finnikin of the Rock being my favorite that didn't get much attention. It was my top read of 2010. Everyone loves Jellicoe Road, I didn't understand why this one didn't get more buzz!
I haven't heard of this one (probably because I was trying to not buy any books...trying to make a dent in the TBR pile). But I'll look into this one now. THanks :)
I have still not read Nevermore but it's on my list for purchase. One of the most overlooked books to me was You Wish. Although I know people talked about it, I think it deserved a lot more credit than just being a "cute" book. So much of the time, the funny books are overlooked for the more serious and dark stories. You Wish actually had me laughing out loud through a majority of the book... this is a major thing for me.
I just read Nevermore not too long ago and I loved it! =)
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