I for one, have never read Speak. I wish I would have been exposed to such a powerful novel that has the ability to touch students. Instead I got stuck reading boring books such as Romeo & Juliet and Caesar in high school. But, have no fear I will be buying this book asap!
Also, he states that Sarah Ockler's book, Twenty Boy Summer, "glorifies drunken teen parties, where teen girls lose their clothes in games of strip beer pong." How does it glorify it? All it does is tell a story that is realistic now a days! I'm sure he did the same exact thing when he was a teen. He wants to point the finger at others who call out these situations in books, meanwhile he probably did it himself. Hypocrite. That's what Wesley Scroggins is.
I want to express how much I love seeing all these bloggers and authors speak out. Everyone's voice is important and should be heard. I support Laurie and any other Young Adult author who create an accurate setting that doesn't shy away from the truth.
I commend and applaud everyone who has taken stand! Especially since Banned Books Week starts in five days, the time couldn't be better.
- If you haven't read his article go here.
- Laurie posted a classy post about her reaction to this article here.

::Suck It Wesley Scroggins Contest Details::
-One person will win Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.
-This contest is INTERNATIONAL (Book will be ordered through the Bookdepository.)
-Deadline will be on October 1, 2010 at midnight EST time.
(Please enter through form and not comments, thanks!)
I haven't read the book, either but I known about it for a while. I really need to pick up at copy when I'm not so weighed down by library books - THE FINES ARE COMING, THE FINES ARE COMING! *runs* - in fact, I may just reserve Speak at my library anyway. Take that, fines! I think the article is ridiculous and I don't think the book should be banned. It's not inappropriate. It reaches out to people. I don't see how a man can spout morals when teens are getting help and a good education instead of being blindfolded and spoon-fed sugar-coated lies.
Hypocrite would be the right word.
Great post!
So, I've been sort of stalking your blog for a little while, and absolutely love that you have called this the Suck It weslely scroggins contest. Beautiful!
I agree, there is nothing soft porn about rape. I'm living proof. There, I said it. This should be talked about and believe me, it happens more than we realize.
Great post, Eleni! I haven't read this book either but I bought it yesterday to support this case. What a great idea to host a giveaway for Speak, do you mind if I steal your idea? I'll credit you of course :)
Great post! It's so good to see so many people standing up and Speaking Loudly! It gives just a little bit back to the victims in our world!
thanks for your words and the chance :)
Ugh! What A Royal - Excuse My Language- JACKASS! I Can Not Believe He Would Ever Say That! Eleni, I Went out And Bought The Book Today! Thanks For This Awesome Post! I Will Definately SPEAK UP And LOUDLY From Now On!
GO ELENI! I so agree with you! I wrote a LONG post about it!
Totally agree with you. I think it's great that so many bloggers and readers are Speaking Up. And thanks for the giveaway!
SUCK IT, MR. Scroggins!
What is even worse is that he is a professor at a university. Can you imagine what he is telling his students?
I'm glad a lot of bloggers are speaking up about this topic. I haven't read SPEAK yet but this whole banning thing just makes me want to read it THAT MUCH MORE.
I don't think that the thoughts of one dickhead should stop me or anyone from reading a book that has obviously touched many lives. We have a mind of our own and we can use and think with it ourselves. I don't know about anyone else, but i'd punch this guy in the weiner if I ever met him.
But there is one thing I will do, I will thank mr whats-his-name for bringing this book to mine and other peoples attention and all the good publicity that the books are getting.
Thank you for this contest and thank you for speaking out!
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