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Monday, August 2, 2010

Book Review + Giveaway- Boys Lie: How Not to Get Played

Boys Lie: How Not to Get Played by Belisa Vranich, Psy. D & Holly Eagleson
Genre: Self-Help
Release Date: Available Now
Publisher: HCI Teens
Pages: 264
Source: Received from publicist for honest review

Summary: Guys Can Be Dogs . . .So consider this book the ultimate BS detector. In today's hookups without-heart society, this brutally honest guide reveals the most common lies boys tell and the truths behind them so you and your friends can separate the good guys from the bad. 'Everyone else is doing it.' 'I won't show anyone these pictures.' 'If we get pregnant, we could take care of it on our own.' Lies like these get lots of girls in trouble, especially when they cast aside their doubts and make poor choices in the heat of the moment. Written by psychologist Belisa Vranich and former Seventeen magazine editor Holly Eagleson, this provocative book sets the record straight with a 'cheat sheet' on what guys lie about, why they lie, and how you can respond. By learning how to react before embarrassing or volatile situations arise, you will be more confident and more likely to enjoy healthier, honest, and more fulfilling relationships.

Have You Ever Been Played?

Lie #8: I can't wear a condom.
Lie #2: Guys are built to cheat.
Lie #17: I'll love you forever.
Lie #3: You're a slut if you've had sex with lots of guys.

Yes, boys lie. But now you and your friends have the anti-get-played book.

My Review: Honestly, I don't read many self-help books. Most of the time, I think I have it all figured out, even with boys. Well, after reading this hysterically funny self-help book, Boys Lie: How Not to Get Played, I realized I don't know squat! Yes, I might be happily engaged, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be alert for the possible future lies. Belisa and Holly are a match made in writing. They both are absolutely straightforward, real and so damn entertaining. Their points introduced everything from sex, relationships and drugs. In all seriousness, this book might be written with a sarcastic undertone, but all the elements are factual and eye opening. Now, in all fairness, not all guys are jerks, they clearly state, "it is not a manifesto against guys." It's just a book on how to deal with boys who do use sorry excuse lies. I, like most girls, probably came across these lies once or twice in our lives. So, it was truly amusing to see firsthand how not to fall for the trap.

Back in the day, I knew a lot of girls who were naive and always said, "oh that will never happen to me." If only I had this book in my possession to prove how frequently these lines were being used. In every chapter, the authors presented a lie, that indicated what the pages were going to be about. I thought the creativity behind the one liners was pure genius. I want to share a few of my favorites (if you're under sixteen, close your eyes) - "It wasn't rape-you seemed into it." / "I could be with someone hotter, but I chose you." / "If you can't have an orgasm with me, than there's something wrong with you." How humorous are those lines? I couldn't stop reading them to my fiancé! Okay I think I expressed how thrilled I was about this book. Overall, the funniest and informative self-help book for OLDER teens and even young adults ever! I don't necessarily think it's for young teens, the sexual content might be too excessive. Look below for giveaway details!

My Rating:

Author's Info:
Belisa Vranich, Psy.D., is a renowned clinical psychologist, author, and public speaker who specializes in women's health issues. She is a regular guest on CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox, and Inside Edition. She has been interviewed as an expert in hundreds of publications, including Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, AARP, and The New York Post. Dr. Vranich has a decade of experience in developing educational campaigns, presenting, and lecturing nationwide.

For more info on Belisa, visit her site:

Holly Eagleson is the former features editor for Cosmopolitan and Seventeen who writes regularly for Seventeen, Glamour, CosmoGirl, Everyday With Rachael Ray, and AOL. She also authored Mirror, Mirror: Discover Your Inner Beauty, a Guide for Girls 14-17, funded by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund for Girl Scouts of America.

Want to win a copy of
Boys Lie: How Not to Get Played?


::Contest Details::

-This contest is for U.S. + Canada residents only.
-Deadline will be on August 16, 2010 at midnight EST time.

(Please enter through form and not comments, thanks!)


Kate said...

Great review! This sounds like a fun read ^_^

Savannah said...

I really want to read this book. It sounds great and have read many review on it. Thanks for the contest :)

Meredith said...

Sounds like a cute book! And one that maybe my boys will need to read as they start dating!

Beverly said...

Thanks for hosting - and for the review so we know what we are trying to win!

Vicki S said...

I'm not much into non-fiction, but I might just have to make an exception for this. In the meantime, you should check out the award you've won! :D

Katelyn said...

Thanks so much for the contest, this one sounds great!

Anonymous said...

The picture of the dog in boy's clothing on the cover of this book cracked me up. Sounds like something I'd like to check out--thanks for the contest!

LisaMM said...

I'm glad you didn't take it too seriously as I think it's meant somewhat tongue in cheek. Thanks so much for being on the tour!

Unknown said...

I haven't read a self help book in awhile, this one sounds interesting. Thanks for hosting this giveaway :)

Mary not so Contrary said...

I've never read a self help book before but this one sounds too good not read. Thanks for the great review! I should get a copy of this for my 17 year old niece who is getting played all the time because shes beyond beautiful.

Honey said...

I've never read a self help book before but this review caught my attention. Thanks for the giveaway!

Reena Jacobs said...

I have two teen girls. As much as I try to alert them to boys and their lying ways, it's always nice for them to hear it from a backup source.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

angie said...

This sounds like a great book! Thanks!

tawndam said...

sounds like what I've been trying to tell my daughters...

cougar44 said...

Sounds like my teen niece could gain boy knowledge from this book.

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