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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Waiting On Wednesday! (Feb. 17, 2010)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Release Date: May 25, 2010
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Pages: 224

Summary: A CHILLING NOVEL ABOUT THE ISOLATION OF BEING STALKED AND THE ABUSE OF POWER. Olivia Peters is over the moon when her literary idol, the celebrated novelist and muchadored local priest Mark D. Brendan, offers to become her personal writing mentor. But when Father Mark’s enthusiasm for Olivia’s prose develops into something more, Olivia’s emotions quickly shift from wonder to confusion to despair. Exactly what game is Father Mark playing, and how on earth can she get out of it? This remarkable novel about overcoming the isolation that stems from victimization is powerful, luminous, and impossible to put down.

My Thoughts: This novel does sound like a chilling read. I can even sense Olivia's fear just by the cover. I look forward to reading this book, it seems dark and emotional.


Melanie Golden said...

That book actually sounds pretty good. I'll have to add that one to my list.

Stephanie said...

This sounds incredibly creepy. :-) Great pick!

YA Book Queen said...

Whoa, it sounds intense, but amazing. Great pick, Eleni!

Christina T said...

This one sounds good but very different from The Possibilities of Sainthood which I loved. She is a great writer so I am sure I'll like this one too.

Thanks for sharing!

Here is my WoW pick.

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

Thanks for sharing, I think this will have to added to my wishlist :)

My choice for todays WoW post is a book called The Thief Taker's Apprentice.

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

i love the sound of this book, definitely a new one for me! adding it to my forever-growing-to-read list :D

Kari Olson said...

Sweet..... I want this one now too lol

Sueann said...

Wow!! Scary and intense...Thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

Great pick Eleni! It sounds good :)

XOXO sista!


Monster of Books said...

I just saw this like 2 seconds ago,lol. The bio has got me hooked and I'm looking forward to it.

ninefly said...

I agree, the cover is rather creepy
and wow, religious stalker, one of the scariest kinds...

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