Credit goes to: The Story Siren for 'In My Mailbox' / Inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie
For Review:
-Darklight by Lesley Livingston
(Special thanks to Karen from Media Masters Publicity)
-The Pace by Shelena Shorts
(Special thanks to Lands Atlantic Publishing, LLC)
Books Won From Contest:
-Island Sting by Bonnie J. Doerr
-Freaksville by Kitty Keswick
(A HUGE thank you to Leap Books for hosting great contests!)
Books Bought:
-Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder
-The Declaration by Gemma Malley
-My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent
ARC's Bought From Strand Bookstore:
I finally had some time this week to go to the Strand, some ARC's are out already and some aren't :)
-Clone Codes by Patricia C. Mckissack
-She Thief by Daniel Finn
-The Best And Hardest Thing by Pat Brisson
-The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Kidnapped by Yxta Maya Murray
-The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
-The Vinyl Princess by Yvonne Prinz
-Wish by Alexandra Bullen
-Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis
-The Naughty List by Suzanne Young
-Shadow Mirror by Richie Tankersley Cusick
I'd love to hear what you got this week! :)
I'm super uber jealous! I wish I lived right next to the Strand! Happy Reading! *green with envy*
How cool to see my book in your pile of goodies! I hope you enjoy Freaksville! Thanks for spreading the word and helping out a debut author!
I have an ARC of Never Cry Werewolf sitting in my TBR pile. It sounds really good, I just have to find time to read it. ;)
Happy reading! ^_^
You had another amazing week! Hope you enjoy all your novels. Happy reading.
Awesome books you got this week. Hope yo enjoy all of them. :)
you went to MY bookstore?! lol j/k
Yay for Strand. The Declaration is great but I strongly suggest having the sequel nearby because you will want to read it.
Your books look great! I've heard good things about most of them. My Soul to Save was wonderful. You should check out my Soul Screamers week that I'm hosting at the end of the month. It's going to be awesome!
Amazing books this week! Definitely jealous of a few of them haha. =)
And I have an award for you:
Wow awesome books! I loved Chasing Brooklyn.
Yah for the Strand :)
Whoa! Congratulations on your MEGA AWESOME books!!!!
Awesome books Eleni!
I got wish 2. i'm reading Wondrous strange-it really good!
happy reading!
WOW! We obviously dont have any cool book stores like that here
It seems like a lot of people are getting Darklight this week!
I need to go to the bookstore... :)
I bought Shadow Mirror and Wish a few weeks before Christmas, are there any new ARCS? I want to stop by sometime this week, but at the same time I want to wait till end of the month because Feb is coming up and thats when most ARCs I want come out.
Oh btw, dont you love kneeling on the floor when rumaging for these books? My knees give out when I have to search. LOL!
Delicious bunch of books!!! Soo many too!!! And you got The Pace, which I think is the best book I read in 2009. I hope you love it. And your so lucky to live in NY where there's Strand bookstores, they really need to expand over to the West Coast lol!!! Happy Reading!!!
You should check out my Soul Screamers week that I'm hosting at the end of the month. It's going to be awesome!
lingerie parties
Yay Strand hoping to go there tomorrow or next week. enjoy your books.
Wow, awesome books! I'm extremely jealous of your Strand loot; The Sky is Everywehre looks awesome. Happy reading!
Enjoy your books...all of them sound delicious!! Happy reading!!
Wow, you had a great week. I wish I had a store like that near me!!!
Happy reading,
So many awesome books! You sure had a great week :)
Happy reading!!
What an amazing week! I'm looking forward to so many of those reviews. I'm so totally jealous of the Strand. It never ceases to amaze me what wonderful books and ARCs bloggers find there. I'm in Oregon, so I'll just have to keep dreaming. :)
definitely a drool worth list. Wow so many great books so little time. Wishing you good reading!!!
You picked up some amazing finds this week! Looking forward to Chasing Brooklyn, as I've heard good things about that one. Happy reading!
Cannot wait to read The Vinyl Princess and Wish
Check out my mailbox this week: http://goodgollymisshollybooks.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-my-mailbox-11.html
Great books you got this week. They all look really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.
These look really good. Enjoy!
So much awesomeness :) I hop eyou enjoy them all. I just read The Pace and am inlove! I hope you like it as much as I did!
Great books.. I really enjoyed Never Cry Werewolf!!
I'm back! And I've got something for you here:
I got Darklight this week too, I hope you enjoy all your books!
Wow you got some great books this week!
Here's what I got this week: http://bookielaura.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-my-mailbox-1-17-10.html
Have a great week!
Oh my gosh! That bright yellow book! I wrote that. Wow. So cool to see it in your goodies. Thanks for sharing it's bright face with your readers.
Yikes--writer goof. Where was my editor? Apologies. I meant,"Nice to see its bright face." No apostrophe...
I wished I lived near the Strand. I'd need two trains to get there. Really awesome book week! I could never imagine a store having books that aren't even released yet!
Darklight & Freaksville look awesome :)
Freaksville looks like fun, and I've heard The Pace is good. Have fun!
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