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Friday, January 15, 2010

Darklight by Lesley Livingston Giveaway!!


A few months ago Karen, which is one of my favorite publicists, gave me the chance to host a giveaway for Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston. Now, she is being yet again generous by letting me give away a copy of the second book, Darklight.

Summary: Faerie can't lie . . . or can they? Much has changed since autumn, when Kelley Winslow learned she was a Faerie princess, fell in love with changeling guard Sonny Flannery, and saved the mortal realm from the ravages of the Wild Hunt. Now Kelley is stuck in New York City, rehearsing Romeo and Juliet and missing Sonny more with every stage kiss, while Sonny has been forced back to the Otherworld and into a deadly game of cat and mouse with the remaining Hunters and Queen Mabh herself. When a terrifying encounter sends Kelley tumbling into the Otherworld, her reunion with Sonny is joyful but destined to be cut short. An ancient, hidden magick is stirring, and a dangerous new enemy is willing to risk everything to claim that power. Caught in a web of Faerie deception and shifting allegiances, Kelley and Sonny must tread carefully, for each next step could topple a kingdom . . . or tear them apart. With breathtakingly high stakes, the talented Lesley Livingston delivers soaring romance and vividly magical characters in darklight, the second novel in the trilogy that began with wondrous strange.


+1 Answer this question - What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?
+1 Leave your e-mail address (if you don't feel comfortable please e-mail me at
+7 If you're an old, amazing follower
+5 If you're a new, amazing follower
+2 Twitter about contest (Please leave link)
+2 Put the contest on your sidebar (Please leave link)
+10 Make an actual post on your blog about contest (Please leave link)

-One winner will receive a hardback copy of Darklight
-Contest is open for U.S. and Canada residents only
-Deadline for contest is February 10, 2010 at midnight


Diana Dang said...

I would love to be a dragon. Especially the Chinese one. I am fascinated in the Chinese myths and their dragons are awesome!

+7 old follower

faked_sugartone at hotmail

Anonymous said...

Hi Eleni :)
+1 I'd love to be a vampire so I can see how society & humanity will evolve.
+1 rkcharron AT
+7 I'm an old, amazing follower
Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Kristen said...

+1 I would want to be a Valkyrie. I mean c'mon you don't have to eat and can cause some serious electrical storms! :)
+1 dragonzgoil at gmail dot com
+7 If you're an old, amazing follower

donnas said...

+1 I think being a faery would be cool. Long life span so you can experience a lot. Beautiful creature so looks arent an issue.

+1 bacchus76 at myself dot com

+7 old follower

+2 Tweet =

+2 Sidebar -

Chloe said...

+1 Unoriginal, I know, but I would love to be a vampire. Eternally youthful, gorgeous, strong, and ethereal... Sounds good to me!
+1 lookaftermyheart1901(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 old, amazing follower ;)

Thanks for the contest!

Rain Maiden said...

+1 I would love to be a Witch..then I could go invisible and with a wave of my wand, the house work would be done.
+7 old follower
This is a new author to me and now I have to check out book one... looks like a must read.

Emily Brown said...

Awesome contest!!!!
+1 I would love to be a farie because they are just so evil and mischievous. I dont know. their just cool.
+7 old follower

Amanda Leigh said...

+1What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?
I've always been very partial to vampires. I just love them. Forever youthful, beautiful, graceful, sexy. And I'm a night owl already, so not a big deal.

+1 notreallysouthernvampchick(at)gmail(dot)com

+7 old follower

Crissi said...

+1 Answer-The supernatural creature I would love to be is a Phoenix because they are born from the fire and die in the fire. They live eternally and are magical creatures.
+1 Leave your e-mail-
+5 I'm a new, amazing follower
+2 Twitter-
+2 Put the contest on your sidebar-
+10 Make an actual post on your blog about contest-

Aik said...

+1 I'd love to be a fairy. A nice, pretty one. :)

+1 aikychien at yahoo dot com

+7 If you're an old, amazing follower

+2 Twitter about contest

aikychien at yahoo dot com

CallMeKayla said...

+1 I'd probably say a Valkyrie, because they are powerful yet petite. They have mini fangs and claws and are all around awesome. Plus, they don't age!

+7 old follower

brizmus said...

Ooh yay! Great contest!

+1 I would love to be a dhampir, I think. Part human, part vampire - the best of both worlds!! :-)
+1 zedster.tbb(at)gmail(DOT)com
+7 old follower
+2 in my sidebar under the contest list -

Sueann said...

I would love to be a Fairy +1 +1
Old follower +7

This series sounds awesome!!

Stacey Brucale said...

+1 I would like to be a vampire. They have all kinds of cool things about them, but mostly I'd just love to be able to live forever and be able to have all the time in the world to do what I want (like finish my TBR list)

+1 squiggles87(At)aol(dot)com
+7 old follower

Sherry said...

This book looks amazing!

+1 I would want to be a vampire just because I have always loved them, and being immortal is always a bonus.
+1 ssalach88(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 I am an old(amazing) follower! :)
+2 Put in sidebar.

+11 total

Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

+1 I would want to be a werewolf. They're hot (literally) and sexy.
+1 thebookvixen at gmail dot com
+7 If you're an old, amazing follower
+2 tweeted

Andrea said...

+1Hmm...I think I'd want to be a vampire since they are the first paranormal creature that I fell in love with
+7 old follower
+10 And I blogged about the contest here.

+1 belle2211(at)yahoo(dot)com

StephTheBookworm said...

Cool, please enter me in!

+1 stephaniet117(at)yahoo(dot)com

+7 old follower

Anonymous said...

What an awesome contest!

+1 I would love to be a faerie because they've always been so magical and mysterious to me. Ever since I was a little girl, I wondered what it'd be like to fly like Tinkerbell. haha.

+1 carmenalexistsang[at]gmail[dot]com

+7 old and slightly amazing follower :P

Thank you!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

+1 Answer this question - What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?
I would want to be a Fairy. Who wouldnt want to fly?

+1 Leave your e-mail address

+7 If you're an old, amazing follower

+2 Twitter about contest

justpeachy36 said...

+1 I would like to be shapeshifter. I could have lots of fun with that LOL!
+1 left my e-mail address
+7 I'm an old follower
Please enter me in the giveaway!

doreen lamoureux said...

I thought a witch but I seem to be gearing towards a shapeshifter. I can be anything. Hummmm

dorcontest at gmail dot com

doreen lamoureux said...

+7 already a follower.....dor

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Jenny N. said...

+1 I'd like to be a zombie because I want to know if I would be the same person or not and experience being one of the living dead.

+1 Email: jen4777[at]
+7 Old follower
+2 Tweeted:
+2 Sidebar:

Jason said...

I would love to be a vampire. :)

My email is

I am a new reader.

+1 question
+1 email
+5 new reader

Lydia said...

My email is

I would love to be a fae. I have a massive addiction to Seelie and Unseelie novels.

+1 question
+1 email
+5 new follower

Allison said...

+1 I'd love to be a shapeshifter so I can pose as anything imaginable and unimaginable. Thinking about it makes it really fun.
+1 killercliffhanger at hotmail dot com
+5 new follower

A grand total of 7!

Test said...

I would love to be a witch because then I could learn really cool spells and such. (+1)

+1 for leaving my e-mail address:
+7 for being an old, amazing follower. lol

Thakns for the contest!

Anonymous said...

+1 I would love to be a vampire. You get immortality and (sometimes) super awesome powers. ;D

+1 E-mail:

+7 Old follower

+2 Tweeted:

+2 Sidebar:

+10 Posted:

Anna ♥

E.J. Stevens said...

Great contest!

+1 I would be a Sidhe of the Unseelie Court. Unparalleled beauty and magic mixed with a bit of supernatural evil? Sounds like fun to me. ;)
+7 old follower

Michelle said...

I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

I think I'd want to be some sort of Fae. They get to talk in riddles and usually at least one some sort of cool magic.

+7 old follower
+1 mmillet at gmail dot com

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

I'd like to be a shape shifter were of some sort and be able to run like crazy through the woods all free and stuff!

+7 old follower
+1 email bookbutterfly9(at)gmail(dot)com
+1 question

Thanks Eleni!!

SandyG265 said...

I'd like to be a shifter and be able to experience the world through different eyes.

+1 comment
+5 new follower
+1 email sgiden At verizon DOT net

Sab H. said...

+1 I'd love to be a fairy because they're just so cute and mysterious. Plus, they have wings!
+1 yabliss(at)
+7 If you're an old, amazing follower
+2 Put the contest on your sidebar


Emily Grossjung said...

+1 I would love to be a vampire so i could stay and watch as everything changes plus they're just plain sexy haha

+5 i created an account just for this :]

Adelaide said...

+1 -I would be...I don't know, maybe a fairy! Then I could use magic and have wings. :D

+1 Leave your e-mail address: abuonu@verizon.

+5 If you're a new, amazing follower


Adelaide said...

oops! in my last comment i forgot to finish my e-mail address! its:

:) thankee!

Jessy said...

+1-I would want to be a fairy because in every fairy story nothing ever is the same. They're still so mysterious.

+7-Old follower

+1-findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Allison said...

+1 Anything that can fly... because it can fly.
+1 readintothisblog(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 If you're an old, amazing follower


Anonymous said...

+1 I'd like to be a fairy so I'd have wings and could fly :)

+1 foltzsfantasticbooks at
+7 old follower

Sarah said...

+1 I would love to be a shifter. I think it would be amazing to be able to change shape and experience nature.


+5 new, amazing follower

+2 Tweet:

+2 Sidebar:

+10: Post:

21 entries! thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

+1 I would be a vampire or fairy. For strength, magic, eternal youth, and beauty.
+5 new follower
+2 Twitter(

+9 total

Great contest, thank you for sharing!

skyla11377 said...

+1 Answer This Question - What Supernatural Creature Would You Love To Be And Why?

I Would Love To Be A Vampire. I Have Always Loved Vampires But Since The Twilight Saga My Love For Vampires Was Re-Awakened. I Think It Would Be Kool To Be Like The Vampires In The Twilight Saga Because They Can Go Outside And Can Actually Sort Live A Normal Life Well As Normal As You Can Being A vampire.

+1 Leave Your E-Mail Address (If You Don't feel Comfortable Please E-Mail Me At


+5 If you're a new, amazing follower.

I Am A New, Amazing Follower.

+2 Twitter About Contest (Please Leave Link).

I Tweeted About This Giveaway (@skyla11377).

+10 Make An Actual Post On Your Blog About Contest (Please Leave Link).

I Blogged About This Giveaway.


Kristen said...

If I was a supernatural creature I would be a witch or a vampire. Witches and vampires are powerful and confident. People never want to mess with them.

BTW I like Damon from The Vampire Diaries too! :)

Kristen said...

Oh. I forgot. I'm a new follower of your blog. :)

Alyssa F said...

+1 This will sound cliche, but I've always wanted to be a fairy. I think it stems from when I was Peaseblossom in my 6th grade play of A Midsummer's Nights Dream by Shakespeare
+1 shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com
+7 Old Follower
+10 Blog post:

Anonymous said...

+ 1 I would love to be a mermaid. I can explore the sea and land (some cases) and just be free to go where I want!

+1 e-mail (sent to you)
+7 old follower

+2 Twitter

+2 Side bar

+10 blog post

Kelly said...

Count me in!
+5 New Follower
+1 I would be a werewolf so I could be with Lucian from Underworld!
+1 emal:

Steph Su said...


+1 I dunno, I've always had a soft spot for vampires and vampire lit. Then again, I could only be ATTRACTED to vampires, and not want to be one. Yeah, I've changed my mind. I think I'd want to be an angel instead; you're all mystical and you've got this spiritual/religious history thing going on, and yet you probably won't have the constraints that a vampire has. :)

+1 stephxsu at gmail dot com

+5 If you're a new, amazing follower

+2 Put the contest on your sidebar:

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I wish I was a mermaid because I love swimming! (+1)
alexreadsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com (+1)
New follower! (+5)

Megan said...

Great contest!

+1 - I would love to be a witch and do spells to be able to do anything
+7 Old follower


L said...

+1 I'd love to be a vampire because the are immortal and have awesome powers
+1 naggy8(at)gmail(dot)com
+7 old follower
+2 Tweet:
+2 sidebar:
+10 post:

Lexie said...

+1 What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?
I would want to be a selkie. I've always wanted to live in the ocean somehow.


+7 Old Follower


Vine said...

i would love to be a fairy, so i could fly.


FrankSandy said...

I'd love to be a fairy doing good deeds

New follower.


Kelly Peres said...

+1 If i could be any supernatural i'd have to say a Shadow Hunter if thats possible :)

+5 Follower
+2 Twitter Tweet

Sarah said...

+1 I love this question! I'd be a werewolf, because they don't get sick as easily as humans do and I could test possible vaccinations for infections and diseases w/o dying.

+1 two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

+7 old follower

+2 sidebar


mrsshukra said...

Not bad to be a Valkyrie!

+1 delilah0180(at)yahoo(dot)com

+7 Already follow

Bleuette said...

+1 Answer this question - What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?
I would love to be a shapeshifter because it would be so great if you could be an animal as well as a human.

+1 Leave your e-mail

+7 old follower

+2 Twitter about contest

+2 Put the contest on your sidebar

Hailey Miller said...

This sounds like an absolutely awesome book! Please enter me.

+1 A: I would want to be a shape shifter of human and animal form (or combined, like a tiger claws in a human form). The reason? Well what girl WOULDN’T want to be able to change how they look at will. Plus if the bad guys start chasing you (which they always do) it would a LOT easier to hide when you could be any person or animal.

+1 Email: Shadowofwonder47[at]yahoo[dot]com

+7 Old follower! (Happy early congrats on hitting 700; you only have four more to go!!)

gowiththeFLO said...

+1 I would probably love to be a shadowhunter. lol i know. i just love the idea of defending ppl and all that.


+5 new follower

Anonymous said...

+1 I would love to be a faerie because you can be pretty, immortal, andhave powers without the gross blood drinking and no daylight.
+7 old follower!

Anonymous said...

+1 I'd want to be a gremlin because I could sneak around everywhere almost unnoticed and wreak havoc everywhere. Heh!Heh!

I just became a new follower of your blog.


Aubrey said...

What supernatural creature would you love to be and why?

I would want to be an elf, like the Lord of the Rings kind. Or half elf. I think because they are beautiful, powerful, and live forever, but not immortal lives they just seem so pure and good. Plus Legolas was hot! ;)
and i'm a new follower!

Stephanie Grant said...

+1 I would like to be a vampire because I think they are so darn sexy!
+1 thegrants(at)live(dot)com
+5 I'm a new follower
+2 Tweet:
+10 I blogged here:

19 total entries!

Michelle said...

Great contest.

I'd love to be one of the fae because you get to speak in riddles and no one really knows what they do. Very fun.

I'm an old follower

mmillet at gmail dot com

ginnn7 said...

i would love to be a faerie, because i love pranks and fun.

+1 ginnn7(at)yahoo(dot)com

+5 new follower

Unknown said...

I would love to be a Were of some sort - maybe a wolf but maybe something else. I just like the idea of being about to shapeshift!
I blogged about this giveaway and I am old follower so I think that gives me 19 points - woohoo!

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

A witch would be cool!

tinatre said...

I think a shapeshifter would be something special. The idea of having enhanced senses and strenght is thrilling.

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