Thank you to Justaiv for the question! :)
Question: What's a great book you love, but don't like the cover of?

My Answer: Great question! I really like Linda Joy Singleton's Dead Girl series but I'm not fond of the covers, they're too plain for me, however I do sorta like Book three's cover...what do you think?
Everyone I need help with figuring out questions, my brain is having a hard time coming up with some. So I'd love it if you can comment below on some ideas - I will definitely give you credit for your question! Thanks :)
Contest Reminder!
Last chance to enter my Two winner Wondrous Strange paperback contest! Ends tonight at midnight - go here to enter!
Contest Reminder!
Last chance to enter my Two winner Wondrous Strange paperback contest! Ends tonight at midnight - go here to enter!
Also, last Monday I was interviewed on Stormi's blog, Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! for her Monday Spotlight Post, here is the link if you want to check it out: My Interview
Sorry it took me so long to post about it, her blog is really cute so might as well join if you're gonna visit :)
I love all the Southern Vampire series covers, Until they came out with the True blood covers. I guess it's fine because I can read it just the same.
My husband loved Preston & Child's The Ice Limit, but the cover is SO plain - pretty much just the title in our version, which looks like this - http://www.amazon.com/Limit-Douglas-Child-Lincoln-Preston/dp/0759544921/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259610505&sr=1-11
They've since released several, more colorful versions.
I just don't dig plain covers.
I'm in agreement with Cleverly Inked. Not a big fan of the True Blood Southern Vampire covers.
Other than that, nothing really springs to mind.
As far as questions go:
- Which book have you read that you wish you could forget?
- Most enjoyable book read this month or week?
- Fiction or Non Fiction?
- Hardbacks or Paperbacks?
- What book could you read over and over again?
- What book should be made into a movie?
Not sure if any of these have been asked already, but that's all I could think of at the moment. :)
Love Sookie Stackhouse but hate the covers. And I am not a fan of True Blood on HBO...the characters just don't line up with my thoughts as to what the characters look like or act like.
hmmm... I haven't read the dead girl series. i can't think of any ugly covers of books i like b/c i buy books that have awesome covers(guilty i know) i pass up the ugly ones lol :D
The ugliest cover I've seen (or at least that I can remember) is the hardback edition of a book called SIGHTS by Suzanna Vance. It's an upclose shot of a girl playing the accordian and her face is blurry. The book is actually one of my favorites with a great opening about a baby delivered by an animal doctor and she sees the future. I totally recommend it if you ever find a copy.
Glad you like my DEAD GIRL series. I have no say over covers and liked the 3rd one the best (actually the cover above is the first version, the final version of DEAD GIRL IN LOVE has the silhouettes blended together romantically).
Fun question!
Linda Joy Singleton
PS -- there's a free short story called SABINE MEETS DEAD GIRL up on my www.LindaJoySingleton.com site.
This one is easy for me. Love the Sookie Stackhouse novels but hate the covers. Too cartoonish. Would never have read them except for my aunt's recommendation.
Can't say I love the HBO series tie-in covers because don't like the HBO series - watched the first few and then gave up. Too different from the books.
I'm a picky wench, aren't I?
I don't much care for the dead girl covers but like them better than the Sookie bunch. I'll have to check out this series! Interesting that the author has so little input. I'm sure she'd come up with something better!
Great questions by Nikki - such a clever girl!
Hmm, book I liked with ugly cover... I gotta say Survival of the Sickest (and, no, it's not about skateboarders. It has this ugly, wormy apple on the cover and it's putrid green with saw-tooth pages. XP I loved it, though.
As for more questions, you could reverse this one. Have you ever read a book strictly because it had a cool cover?
Also: I found an author in need of promotion! His books sounds pretty funny, and I thought you'd like it! Here's the synopsis at Barnes & Noble.
The author, Mark Henry, is having a last-ditch contest to get his ARCs into reviewers' hands called the Help Save Amanda campaign. Be sure to check it out!
I can't think of any I thought were ugly but one I think could be better are the covers for the Uglies series. Thankfully the book is so good that work of mouth makes it better.
Oh I also just read Invisible Lines. Great book but very poor cover.
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