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Sunday, November 29, 2009

IN MY MAILBOX (Nov. 29, 2009) - *Revised*

Credit goes to: The Story Siren for 'In My Mailbox' / Inspired by Alea from Pop Culture Junkie

My digital camera is acting up so I put the covers instead!
Sorry everyone, I'm an idiot and forgot to add Red School for those of you who commented already :)

For Re

-Of All The Stupid Things by Alexandra Diaz
(Special thanks to Alexandra & EgmontUSA)

-The Peculiar Superpowers of Eleanor Armstrong: A Zombie Love Story by K.A. Schloegel
(Special thanks to K.A. Schloegel)
-Red School by Bryce Holt
(Special thanks to Sharon from Minor Planet Press)

Books Bought From Bookstore:
-The Seven Rays by Jessica Bendinger

I'd love to hear what you got this week so leave a comment! :)


Kelsey said...

I just read Of All the Stupid Things- it was really, really good :)

I also have The Seven Rays- it looks cool, too!


Frankie Diane Mallis said...

I also got The Seven Rays!

Diana Dang said...

The Zombie Love Story looks interesting. Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Love the cover to the Zombie love story. And the book sounds interesting. Can't wait to see what you think of it. Happy reading!!

Stormi said...

I have to get my hands on a zombie love I just think that is the funniest thing... I can't get vamp love and werewolf love but the zombie thing has me puzzled.....I will love you as long as you don't eat my brains..LOL

Great bunch of books! :)

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

awesome books! I can't wait 2 read the 7 rays.Of All The Stupid Things looks pretty good 2 :D Happy reading!!

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Sweet haul! I can't wait to get my hands on The Seven Rays.


Kari Olson said...

Oh great books this week! All 3 of those look great!

Kris said...

The Zombie Love Story looks good!

Anonymous said...

Of All the Stupid Things and The Seven Rays both look good! Have fun reading. :)

Mavie said...

Awesome books! I've seen The Seven Rays a lot in the blogosphere, it looks interesting. Happy Reading! =)

Sueann said...

All the books sound wonderful. I recently got "Under the dome" by Stephen King. Supposed to be good!

Anonymous said...

The Seven Rays by Jessica Bendinger arrived here too. Hoping it will be a good one.

Alyssa Kirk said...

The Seven Rays looks awesome!

Sueann said...

I have an award for you Eleni. Stop by my blog and get the details.

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